De son ancien empire, le Portugal retient la souveraineté de deux archipels dans l'océan Atlantique Nord : les régions autonomes de Madère et des Açores. Formation de l'Empire colonial portugaisest le numéro 115 d'une série de plus de 160 études produites par cette section, dont la plupart furent publiées après la conclusion de la conférence de paix de Paris en 1919. In spite of free blacks and mulattoes playing a large role in Minas Gerais, the number of them that received marginalization was greater there than in any other region in Brazil. [182], In spite of the conspiracies, the rule of Portugal in Brazil was not under serious threat. [58] Albuquerque targeted Malacca to impede the Muslim and Venetian influence in the spice trade and increase that of Lisbon. Le traité de Tordesillas (1494) règle le partage des terres découvertes entre le Portugal et l'Espagne : un méridien positionné 370 lieues à l'ouest des îles du Cap-Vert est tracé, et les terres situées à l'est de ce méridien reviennent au Portugal, celles situées à l'ouest, à la Castille[3]. La première factorerie d'outre-mer est fondée en 1445 sur l'île d'Arguin près de la côte de Mauritanie. This commercial network and the colonial trade had a substantial positive impact on Portuguese economic growth (1500–1800), when it accounted for about a fifth of Portugal's per-capita income. En 1488, Bartolomeu Dias, premier Européen à pratiquer la navigation hauturière dans l'Atlantique sud, double le cap de Bonne-Espérance avec une flotte de trois caravelles et pénètre dans l'océan Indien. In 1503, an expedition under the command of Gonçalo Coelho reported French raids on the Brazilian coasts,[112] and explorer Binot Paulmier de Gonneville traded for brazilwood after making contact in southern Brazil a year later. [39] In 1502, to enforce its trade monopoly over a wide area of the Indian Ocean, the Portuguese Empire created the cartaz licensing system, granting merchant ships protection against pirates and rival states. [213], Eight of the former colonies of Portugal have Portuguese as their official language. [191] However, the idea was unacceptable to the British, who had their own aspirations of contiguous British territory running from Cairo to Cape Town. Under the ideology of Pluricontinentalism, the regime renamed its colonies "overseas provinces" while retaining the system of forced labour, from which only a small indigenous élite was normally exempt. La population combinée des neuf membres est d'environ 270 millions d'individus. When the Portuguese court fled to Brazil in 1807, following the Napoleonic invasion of Iberia, Brazil was removed from the jurisdiction of the council. Diversion and smuggling were frequent, along with altercations between Paulistas (residents of São Paulo) and Emboabas (immigrants from Portugal and other regions in Brazil), so a whole set of bureaucratic controls began in 1710 with the captaincy of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. Exploratory missions were carried out both ordered by the government, the "entradas" (entries), and by private initiative, the "bandeiras" (flags), by the "bandeirantes". Le terme « Empire colonial portugais » disparaît dans le même temps. [211], Macau was returned to China on 20 December 1999, under the terms of an agreement negotiated between People's Republic of China and Portugal twelve years earlier. Henri cherche ainsi à savoir jusqu'où s'étend le territoire musulman et imagine peut-être établir un contact avec le mythique royaume chrétien du Prêtre Jean afin de joindre leurs forces contre les Maures. [203], The rise of Soviet influence among the Movimento das Forças Armadas's military (MFA) and working class, and the cost and unpopularity of the Portuguese Colonial War (1961–1974), in which Portugal resisted to the emerging nationalist guerrilla movements in some of its African territories, eventually led to the collapse of the Estado Novo regime in 1974. [116] Sousa returned to Lisbon a year later to become governor of India and never returned to Brazil. The 1890 British Ultimatum led to the contraction of Portuguese ambitions in Africa. However, Salazar publicly stated his determination to keep the empire intact, and by the end of the year, 50,000 troops had been stationed there. [147] In addition to this newly acquired access to the Spanish asientos, the Portuguese were able to solve their bullion shortage issues with access to the production of the silver mining in Peru and Mexico. [18] Senegal and Cape Verde Peninsula were reached in 1445.[19]. He and his nephew, Estácio de Sá, then established the city of Rio de Janeiro in 1567, after Mem de Sá proclaimed the area "São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro" in 1565. [22] The success of sugar merchants such as Bartolomeo Marchionni would propel the investment in future travels. Orgueil du régime d'Antonio de Obviera Salazar. In 1525, Spain under Charles V sent an expedition to colonize the Moluccas islands, claiming they were in his zone of the Treaty of Tordesillas, since there was no set limit to the east. At the Cortes of Tomar in 1581, Philip was crowned Philip I of Portugal, uniting the two crowns and overseas empires under Spanish Habsburg rule in a dynastic Iberian Union. Le poivre, les clous de girofle, la noix de muscade, la cannelle, s'arrachent à prix d'or sur les marchés européens. Les richesses coloniales sont partiellement utilisées pour des constructions de prestige[Note 1] et non investies dans la modernisation des structures économiques du Portugal. L'auteur a tenu compte des progrès de l'historiographie, de la Révolution des Oeillets, de la décolonisation (rattachement de Goa à l'Inde, indépendance de l'Angola, du Cap-Vert, de la Guinée-Bissau, du Mozambique, de Saint-Thomas et Prince). In 1505 King Manuel I of Portugal appointed Francisco de Almeida first Viceroy of Portuguese India, establishing the Portuguese government in the east. [137] By 1575, the Tamoios had been subdued and essentially were extinct,[134] and by 1580 the government became more of a ouvidor general rather than the ouvidores. At the same time Francisco Zeimoto, António Mota, and other traders arrived in Japan for the first time. They established a trading center at Tangasseri, Quilon (Coulão, Kollam) city in (1503) in 1502, which became the centre of trade in pepper,[41] and after founding manufactories at Cochin (Cochim, Kochi) and Cannanore (Canonor, Kannur), built a factory at Quilon in 1503. L'Histoire des Colonisations passe sur Youtube avec un épisode d'introduction sur l'Empire Portugais, le père de tous les empires! Eventually, Brazil became the most valuable colony of the second era of empire (1663–1825), until, as part of the wave of independence movements that swept the Americas during the early 19th century, it broke away in 1822. In 1487, an overland expedition by Pêro da Covilhã made its way to India, exploring trade opportunities with the Indians and Arabs, and winding up finally in Ethiopia. João Gonçalves Zarco découvre Madère en 1419, Diogo de Silves et Diogo de Teive les Açores entre 1427 et 1452. [172], In 1755 Lisbon suffered a catastrophic earthquake, which together with a subsequent tsunami killed between 40,000 and 60,000 people out of a population of 275,000. Slaves labeled as 'Minas' and 'Angolas' rose in high demand during the boom. Les principaux repères géographiques sont :- l’Océan Pacifique, l’Océan Atlantique et l’Océan Indien ;- l’Afrique, l’Inde et la Chine.La lecture de la carte se fait à partir de l’ensemble Espagne-Portugal. En 1807, le roi Jean VI décide de quitter sa capitale devant l'invasion des armées napoléoniennes pour s'établir à Rio. During this phase, Portuguese colonialism focused on expanding its outposts in Africa into nation-sized territories to compete with other European powers there. [196] In 1917, one of the actions taken by Portugal was to assist Britain in its timber industry, imperative to the war effort. Jean II va également pouvoir s'appuyer sur bien plus de ressources étant donné qu'à la vingtaine de kilos d'or annuel provenant d'Arguin, s'ajoutent des centaines de kilos supplémentaires venant de la mine d'Elmina grâce à son père. accompagnent jusqu'à nos jours l'expansion territoriale. [37] The second voyage to India was dispatched in 1500 under Pedro Álvares Cabral. [4] After establishing itself as a separate kingdom in 1139, Portugal completed its reconquest of Moorish territory by reaching Algarve in 1249, but its independence continued to be threatened by neighbouring Castile until the signing of the Treaty of Ayllón in 1411. En Extrême-Orient, les activités autrefois dévolues à Malacca sont à présent déviées vers Timor et Macao. Leonor Costa et al. Early in the war, Portugal was involved mainly in supplying the Allies positioned in France. S'ensuit la Révolution portugaise de 1820, qui est à la fois libérale et conservatrice : libérale, parce qu'elle exige le retour du roi à Lisbonne pour lui imposer une constitution ; conservatrice, parce qu'elle souhaite que le Brésil soit ramené à son ancien statut de colonie, et que les Portugais du Brésil soient privés de leurs droits politiques. [159][160], The loss of colonies was one of the reasons that contributed to the end of the personal union with Spain. [179], Encouraged by the example of the United States of America, which had won its independence from Britain, the colonial province of Minas Gerais attempted to achieve the same objective in 1789. En 1460, à la mort d'Henri, les Portugais ont atteint le golfe de Guinée. [52] His first objective was to conquer Goa, due to its strategic location as a defensive fort positioned between Kerala and Gujarat, as well as its prominence for Arabian horse imports. Portugal returned Macau to China in 1999. [138], In 1580, King Philip II of Spain invaded Portugal after a crisis of succession brought about by King Sebastian of Portugal's death during a disastrous Portuguese attack on Alcácer Quibir in Morocco in 1578. L’histoire de l’empire portugais en Asie, du milieu du xvie siècle à 1630-40, fut marquée par une stabilité remarquable. L'introduction de la caravelle au milieu du XVe siècle sera déterminante pour la suite des explorations. Il s'étendait sur un territoire représentant aujourd'hui soixante États souverains différents. [105], The Portuguese were soundly defeated in their attempt to capture wealthy Somali harbor cities on the Somali coast such as Mogadishu, Merca, Barawa, Kismayo and Hobyo by the powerful Somalis of the Ajuran Empire. The carrack Santa Catarina do Monte Sinai exemplified the might and the force of the Portuguese Armada. [144], In 1693, gold was discovered at Minas Gerais in Brazil. The existence of the remaining Portuguese colonies in India became increasingly untenable and Nehru enjoyed the support of almost all the Indian domestic political parties as well as the Soviet Union and its allies. Alors que l'empire espagnol est continental, fondé sur la possession et l'exploitation des terres, l'empire portugais reste essentiellement maritime et littoral, grâce à l'établissement de comptoirs commerciaux. It also regulated the trade of Gujarati ships departing to the Red Sea and passing through Bassein to pay duties and allow the horse trade. [208], In 1987, Portugal signed the Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration with the People's Republic of China to establish the process and conditions for the transfer of sovereignty of Macau, its last remaining colony. [149][152], The Dutch eventually realized the importance of Goa in breaking up the Portuguese empire in Asia. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. [24] Gomes, who had to explore 100 miles (160 km) of the coast each year for five years, discovered the islands of the Gulf of Guinea, including São Tomé and Príncipe and found a thriving alluvial gold trade among the natives and visiting Arab and Berber traders at the port then named Mina (the mine), where he established a trading post. On y produira du blé notamment qui sera exporté vers le continent. [161] A distinguished seventeenth-century member was Salvador de Sá. The Jesuits, who protected the natives against slavery, were brutally suppressed by the Marquis of Pombal, which led to the dissolution of the order in the region by 1759. La décision est prise de poursuivre l'exploration de la côte africaine. À l'initiative d'Henri, les marins portugais découvrent les îles Atlantiques et s'y établissent : Lisbonne, Éditions SPN [1942] (OCoLC)578182536: Document Type: [218][219] Related names can be found in other languages, such as Arabic البرتقال (bourtouqal), Georgian ფორთოხალი (p'ort'oxali), Turkish portakal and Amharic birtukan. [59] By July 1511, Albuquerque had captured Malacca and sent Antonio de Abreu and Francisco Serrão (along with Ferdinand Magellan) to explore the Indonesian archipelago. In 1961, shortly after an uprising against the Portuguese in Angola, Nehru ordered the Indian Army into Goa, Daman and Diu, which were quickly captured and formally annexed the following year. [181] Several more smaller-scale slave rebellions and revolts would occur from 1801 and 1816 and fears within Brazil were that these events would lead to a "second Haiti". [32] However, as it was not possible at the time to correctly measure longitude, the exact boundary was disputed by the two countries until 1777. It was during this expedition that the Portuguese first encountered the Kingdom of Kongo, with which it soon developed a rapport. L’annexion de Damão en … Simultaneously Pêro da Covilhã, traveling secretly overland, had reached Ethiopia, suggesting that a sea route to the Indies would soon be forthcoming. Portugal enjoyed a virtual monopoly on the African seaborne slave trade for over a century, importing around 800 slaves annually. For instance, as Portuguese merchants were presumably the first to introduce the sweet orange in Europe, in several modern Indo-European languages the fruit has been named after them. En 1822, face aux tensions extrêmes entre les Portugais du Brésil et ceux du Portugal, le jeune prince décide de proclamer l'indépendance du Brésil et en devient empereur constitutionnel sous de nom de Pierre Ier, alors même que son père règne au Portugal. Brésil (1500-1822) en Afrique. By then, the colonial possessions had been reduced to forts and plantations along the African coastline (expanded inland during the Scramble for Africa in the late 19th century), Portuguese Timor, and enclaves in India (Portuguese India) and China (Portuguese Macau). However, the Inconfidência Mineira failed, its leaders were arrested, and of the participants in the insurrections, the one of lowest social position, Tiradentes, was hanged. [15] In 1443 Infante Dom Pedro, Henry's brother and by then regent of the Kingdom, granted him the monopoly of navigation, war and trade in the lands south of Cape Bojador. Midway in the year, Portugal suffered its first World War I casualty. [128] Among de Sousa's 1000 man expedition were soldiers, workers, and six Jesuits led by Manuel da Nóbrega. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 19 décembre 2020 à 20:43. 20–21, Hong Kong & Macau By Jules Brown Rough Guides, 2002. p. 195, Juan Cole, Sacred Space and Holy War, IB Tauris, 2007 p. 37. In spite of the high death rate associated with the slaves involved in the mining industry, the owners that allowed slaves that extracted above the minimum amount of gold to keep the excesses, which in turn led to the possibility of manumission. [6] There were several probable motives for their first attack, on the Marinid Sultanate (in present-day Morocco). [78][79], After the Sultan of Bintan detained several Portuguese under Tomás Pires, the Chinese then executed 23 Portuguese and threw the rest into prison where they resided in squalid, sometimes fatal conditions. Two years later, on October 5, 1910, he was overthrown and fled into exile in England in Fulwell Park, Twickenham near London and Portugal became a republic. Dans les années 1960, la dictature de Salazar tente vainement de les préserver malgré des guerres d'indépendance (guerre d'indépendance de l'Angola, guerre d'indépendance du Mozambique), qui s'achèvent en 1975, après la Révolution des œillets. [168], Africans and Afro-Brazilians became the largest group of people in Minas Gerais. While following the same south-westerly route as Gama across the Atlantic Ocean, Cabral made landfall on the Brazilian coast. [141] All the Portuguese colonies accepted the new state of affairs except for the Azores, which held out for António, a Portuguese rival claimant to the throne who had garnered the support of Catherine de Medici of France in exchange for the promise to cede Brazil. Étape par étape, les Portugais contournent le continent africain pour atteindre les Indes, sous-continent aux richesses convoitées, avec lequel les contacts commerciaux terrestres ont été rompus depuis que les Turcs ottomans se sont emparés de Constantinople en 1453. [171], Gold discovered in Mato Grosso and Goiás sparked an interest to solidify the western borders of the colony. Lors de son retour au Portugal, le roi Jean VI laisse son fils Pierre comme régent, en lui conseillant de prendre la tête de tout mouvement séparatiste, afin que le Brésil reste dans le giron de la maison de Bragance. Empire colonial … West. [54] The Portuguese maintained friendly relations with the south Indian Emperors of the Vijayanagara Empire. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. The Goa Inquisition (Bombay, 1961). Pour ce qui est de sa fin, la date varie selon les critères utilisés : 1975 qui voit la majeure partie des colonies accéder à l'indépendance ou 1999 qui voit la fin de l'administration portugaise de Macao, dernier territoire d'outre-mer officiellement sous souveraineté portugaise. "Overseas Council (Portugal)" in, Francis A. Dutra, "Salvador Correia de Sá e Benavides" in, History of the Konkan by Alexander Kyd Nairne pp. [155][156], Meanwhile, in the Arabian Peninsula, the Portuguese also lost control of Ormuz by a joint alliance of the Safavids and the English in 1622, and Oman under the Al-Ya'arubs would capture Muscat in 1650. Portugal responded by aiding king Gelawdewos with Portuguese soldiers and muskets. Dans les années 1920 et 1930, le régime colonial instaure un système racial séparant les Africains « assimilés », qui ont reçu les bases d'une éducation leur permettant éventuellement d'occuper une place dans l’administration coloniale, des autres indigènes, privés de droits et soumis au travail forcé (qui ne sera aboli qu'en 1962). La conquête de l'intérieur du pays est essentiellement le fait d'expéditions des habitants des établissements côtiers (bandeirantes), le plus souvent métis et relativement autonomes vis-à-vis de la métropole. [67], Jorge Alvares was the first European to reach China by sea, while the Romans were the first overland via Asia Minor. [173] This sharply checked Portuguese colonial ambitions in the late 18th century.[174]. en Amérique. The Portuguese were unable to use it as a base for further expansion into the hinterland,[9] and the trans-Saharan caravans merely shifted their routes to bypass Ceuta and/or used alternative Muslim ports. [146], Spanish imperial trade networks now were opened to Portuguese merchants, which was particularly lucrative for Portuguese slave traders who could now sell slaves in Spanish America at a higher price than could be fetched in Brazil. In 1521 a force led by António Correia captured Bahrain, defeating the Jabrid King, Muqrin ibn Zamil. La colonisation portugaise a commencé dans le Nord-Est, à Bahia, mais le centre de gravité s'est ensuite déplacé vers le sud autour des métropoles comme Rio et surtout São Paulo. According to Fernão Mendes Pinto, who claimed to be in this journey, they arrived at Tanegashima, where the locals were impressed by firearms, that would be immediately made by the Japanese on a large scale. Disney states that the colonists did not until the transferring of the Kingdom in 1808 assert influence of policy changing due to direct contact,[183] and historian Gabriel Paquette mentions that the threats in Brazil were largely unrealized in Portugal until 1808 because of effective policing and espionage. [145] The primary threat came from the Dutch, who had been engaged in a struggle for independence against Spain since 1568. [84] After Mughal ruler Humayun had success against Bahadur, the latter signed another treaty with the Portuguese to confirm the provisions and allowed the fort to be built in Diu. [53][54] In Goa, Albuquerque began the first Portuguese mint in India in 1510. [135][136] By this time period, Manuel de Nóbrega, along with fellow Jesuit José de Anchieta, took part as members of attacks on the Tamoios and as spies for their resources. [58] Though the trade was largely dominated by the Gujurati, other groups such as the Turks, Persians, Armenians, Tamils and Abyssinians traded there. Les Portugais considèrent le commerce et la navigation dans ces zones comme leur monopole absolu et répriment violemment les incursions des navires des autres pays européens. C'est à partir de 1450 que des navires espagnols et portugais cherchent à atteindre l'Asie par la mer.En effet, les voies principales du commerce vers l'Asie étaient terrestres. [115] In 1531, a royal expedition led by Martim Afonso de Sousa and his brother Pero Lopes went to patrol the whole Brazilian coast, banish the French, and create some of the first colonial towns – among them São Vicente, in 1532. The two failed sieges of 1538 and 1546 put an end to Ottoman ambitions, confirming the Portuguese hegemony in the region,[84][85] as well as gaining superiority over the Mughals. Most were brought to the Portuguese capital Lisbon, where it is estimated black Africans came to constitute 10 percent of the population. Officiellement, on lui a longtemps préféré celui d’« Outre-mer portugais » (Ultramar português) avant d'adopter temporairement le terme d’« Empire colonial portugais » entre 1930 et 1951. Ce n'est qu'en 1557 que l'Empire Céleste accorde aux Portugais le droit d'établir un comptoir sur la péninsule de Macao, dans l'estuaire du Xi Jiang. Les Portugais sont définitivement expulsés des Moluques en 1636, et se rabattent sur Timor. In 1583, merchant and explorer Jan Huyghen van Linschoten (1563 – 8 February 1611), formerly the Dutch secretary of the Archbishop of Goa, had acquired information while serving in that position that contained the location of secret Portuguese trade routes throughout Asia, including those to the East Indies and Japan. In the wake of the Reconquista, Portuguese sailors began exploring the coast of Africa and the Atlantic archipelagos in 1418–19, using recent developments in navigation, cartography and maritime technology such as the caravel, with the aim of finding a sea route to the source of the lucrative spice-trade. [6], In 1415 an attack was made on Ceuta, a strategically located North African Muslim enclave along the Mediterranean Sea, and one of the terminal ports of the trans-Saharan gold and slave trades. L'Empire portugais est originellement administré par la maison d'Aviz durant près de cent-cinquante ans, ensuite par les Habsbourg espagnols durant soixante ans, puis par la maison de Bragance durant trois-cents ans avant d'être finalement gouverné par la République portugaise à partir de 1910. [109], Based on the Treaty of Tordesillas, the Portuguese Crown, under the kings Manuel I, John III and Sebastian, also claimed territorial rights in North America (reached by John Cabot in 1497 and 1498). [162], In 1661 the Portuguese offered Bombay and Tangier to England as part of a dowry, and over the next hundred years the English gradually became the dominant trader in India, gradually excluding the trade of other powers.