The debris cone of mud clast breccia was subsequently eroded leaving behind hanging erosion remnants of Unit 2 below a flowstone apron (Figures 2b and 3l). Summaries of the OSL analytical data and ages are reported in Table 8. (2000). ESR and OSL dating techniques are dosimetric dating techniques (Adamiec and Aitken, 1998; Murray and Wintle, 2000), and deliver results that are generally much more variable than U-series dating due to the relative lack of control of the conditions under which the samples accumulated radiation damage. I have no problem if this is presented as a hypothesis: it might even be likely, but it is not definitive and I think the authors need to back away from such a claim. Although I have reservations about the way radiocarbon dating was attempted, as explained further below, and there is a need for more caution in some areas, the paper should be suitable for publication after revisions. The fact that all of the sedimentary material in the cave appears to multiple phases of reworking the same material over and over suggests everything is genetically related and easily dealt with as a series of related units. These maximum age estimates are consistent with the direct age estimates for the H. naledi fossils, but do not further constrain the upper age limit (Figure 14). Laminations along the basal 3–4 mm of this flowstone are brown in colour, whereas the top 10–12 mm of this flowstone layer consists of what is possibly a separate, younger unit of laminated grey-brown carbonate with small pore spaces developed along some of the laminar surfaces. Should delete (similar to no HW to pair with RS1). Some of this was actually discussed at length (we included an entire section on discussing the revised stratigraphy based on the new ages including the deposition and reworking of the fossils). It would be helpful to address this. In response to the main editorial issues: We believe that this has now been addressed; see our detailed comments in response to reviewers 3 and 4 in particular. Docteur Renaud Masque Lift & Lumiere Masque Anti-âge - 50 ml - Nota: 6.4 / 20 This paper may be the definition of "throwing the kitchen sink" at something. We have obtained new ages that have allowed us to refine the lithostratigraphy presented in Dirks et al (2015) into a more precise subdivision of Units 2 and 3 as presented here. This flowstone developed on top of the dolomite back-wall of the drain (Figure 3h). However, the dose rate can vary over time as U can be highly mobile in wet cave environments (e.g., Grün, 2009), and can move in and out of teeth (Grün et al., 2008a). The older age estimate is considered to be more likely (considering the measured Rn loss). (2015), and a reference to this should suffice, as it is immaterial to the core aims of this paper. Thank you. Ages are reported relative to 1950. Simply put, we have no previous results or data to compare this to, but we do not doubt that this study will provide the framework for future work as more of the chamber is excavated and more focused studies are developed. Sedimentary deposits within the Dinaledi Chamber can be organized into three primary stratigraphic units (Dirks et al., 2015). His characteristically 'broken' voice makes for a very distinctive vocal style. We appreciate that this is difficult to accept, but we can find no evidence to refute this claim. This will facilitate comparisons in future studies too. If RS23 is not from the base, or is from higher up and in the Normal section of FS1a, then that needs to be properly documented here. - Figure 12B: I'm assuming that this wasn't actually analyzed as Phase A and B are only a cm thick yet samples were 2-2.5cm cores. Therefore, age calculations were performed for two different scenarios: (i) a situation where it is assumed that the present day situation of 80% Rn loss persisted during the entire burial history, and (ii) a situation in which no Rn loss occurred (Table 7). Analyses indicated that no collagen was present in any of the samples and that the bone appeared possibly cremated. The innermost zone forms an 8 mm-thick, finely laminated (sub-mm scale) core centred on a small mud clast and is terminated by a thin brown, mud-rich rim. ESR intensities were extracted from T1-B2 peak-to-peak amplitudes of the ESR signal of enamel (after Grün, 2000a). Flowstone 1a consists of at least three generations of flowstone growth, named, from oldest to youngest, phase A, B and C (Figures 2b, 13a,b and 14). To account for tailing effects, measurements were carried out at half-masses of 229.5 and 230.5 for 230Th and 233.5 and 234.5 for 234U. To obtain a luminescence age, a burial dose (Db) is calculated from the aliquot measurements, in which individual values for De are combined to obtain a single value for Db. This is a complete enamel crown of an unerupted tooth with no wear facets or interproximal facets in evidence, and the roots had not formed (Figure 7). DE values were obtained by fitting a Single Saturating Exponential (SSE) at the appropriate maximum irradiation dose (Dmax) following Duval and Grün (2016) (using 1767 Dmax = 1264 Gy, 1788 Dmax = 2465 Gy, 1810 Dmax = 2735 Gy and 1841 Dmax = 3526 Gy). To ensure reproducible measurements, each fragment was mounted in a para-film mould within a Teflon holder in a Z-configuration only (Grün et al., 2008b), which can be inserted into a Bruker ER 218PG1 programmable goniometer. I realize there is a Berger et al submission alongside this manuscript which deals with the implications of the age proposed here, but there is still scope for a discussion of both the quality of the age data and what it all means in terms of the formation, development and filling of the Dinaledi Chamber, and of course the deposition and reworking of the hominin fossils. The mud clasts are interpreted to be derived locally due to wetting and drying of orange mud deposits, which led to auto-brecciation, and subsequent erosion and re-deposition of angular mud clasts (Dirks et al., 2015). Several of his songs are popular classics in France, including the sea tale "Dès que le vent soufflera", the irreverent "Laisse béton", the ballad "Morgane de toi" and the nostalgic "Mistral gagnant". U-Th disequilibrium analyses of four tooth samples were conducted to constrain U uptake models into dental tissues used in ESR dating. Regarding references, the eLife website says: "Please note, authors do not need to spend time formatting their references and can submit manuscripts formatted in a variety of reference styles, including Harvard, Vancouver, and Chicago. No age calculations were done for areas of the tooth where the U concentrations were below 0.5 ppm or where the U/Th ratio was below 250 (marked in red in Table 4). Although OSL ages are poorly constrained, and do not provide very precise age limits, this estimate is broadly consistent with the estimated age for reworking of Unit 2 sediments from below Flowstone 1a (437–585 ka) and the US-ESR age estimates for the teeth. The flowstone overlies largely unconsolidated floor sediments of Unit 3, which in this locality have eroded from underneath the flowstone to leave a hanging remnant ~8 cm above the current floor level (Figure 3i). At SCU, the samples were irradiated with X-rays in a Freiberg X-ray irradiation chamber, with a Varian VF50 X-ray gun at a voltage of 40KV and 0.5mA current, with dose rate calibrations depending on the output value of the X-ray gun. After an unproductive period marked by alcohol addiction, he made a very significant comeback with his 2002 album Boucan d'enfer. This has been corrected and more discussion has been added. The authors certainly have thrown everything at dating the fossils and deposits, which given the nature of the fossil find is to be expected. (links to download the citations from this article in formats compatible with various reference manager tools), (links to open the citations from this article in various online reference manager services), A study of the absolute intensity of muons at sea level and under various thicknesses of absorber,, Revised age estimates of Australopithecus-bearing deposits at Sterkfontein, South Africa,, Stratigraphic analysis of the Sterkfontein StW 573 Australopithecus skeleton and implications for its age,, The half-lives of uranium-234 and thorium-230,, Improvements in 230th dating, 230th and 234U half-life values, and U–Th isotopic measurements by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,,, The evolutionary relationships and age of,, Geological and taphonomic evidence for deliberate body disposal by the primitive hominin species, Using 10be dating to reconstruct the evolving landscape in the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa,, Hominin-bearing caves and landscape dynamics in the Cradle of Humankind, South Africa,, Precise microsampling of poorly laminated speleothems for U-series dating,, Single-grain optical dating of Quaternary sediments: why aliquot size matters in luminescence dating,, On the limits of using combined U-series/ESR method to date fossil teeth from two Early Pleistocene archaeological sites of the Orce area (Guadix-Baza basin, Spain), (2015)), with the one big difference that Unit 2 and Unit 3 sediments have been oxidized and affected by Fe-Mn oxy-hydroxide infiltration. 4) Figure 1 has the words 'Relative height (m), cave floor' twice. The reason for changing this back to Dirks et al. It would be impossible to sample Unit 1-like fragments that are incorporated in Unit 2 for OSL analysis; these fragments are much too small for that. New stratigraphic data on the three sedimentary units and three flowstone units is provided, as well as details on the locations and descriptions of the dating samples. To make things simpler to understand we have subdivided unit 1 into three facies: - facies 1a & facies 1b which is the laminated orange mudstone found as erosional remnants along the cave floor; this unit was deposited as the combined result of mud settling in stagnant water (facies 1a) and the occasional influx of coarser material due to water flow and water pooring in from above (facies 1b), presumably during flood events (as described in Dirks et al., 2015, 2016). I would also drop the last sentence in this paragraph and move it to the discussion of Unit 1 (out of place here). This issue also filters up to the abstract. Views are: (a) buccal, (b) occlusal, (c) lingual, and (d) internal. The disequilibrium technique differs from other radiogenic techniques like U-Pb or Rb-Sr in which the daughter product is stable and accumulates indefinitely. SCU results in brackets show DE values that were obtained by SCU using the CENIEH-GU procedure (see text for details). Likewise, the tables need to be reworked with more care for consistency and interpretability. The measurements were carried out on small aliquots containing ~30 grains. These age results demonstrate that a morphologically primitive hominin, Homo naledi, survived into the later parts of the Pleistocene in Africa, and indicate a much younger age for the Homo naledi fossils than have previously been hypothesized based on their morphology. (2015), which were based on lithostratigraphic arguments and were done before any geochronological constraints were available. To estimate the equivalent dose (DE), each fragment was irradiated in steps with exponentially increasing irradiation times (for samples 1767, 1788 and 1810, these steps were: 90s, 380s, 1080s, 1800s, 3600s, 7200s, 14400s, 2,8800s and 7,9200s, and for sample 1841: 90s, 380s, 1080s, 1800s, 3690s, 7200s, 1,4400s, 2,8800s, 4,3200s and 9,9000s). This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited. As is, they sound the exact same except for lithified (Unit 2) vs unlithified (Unit 3). The results challenge our ability to associate given hominin species to specific cultures and behaviours in the past. chansons de geste.Je známý také pod jménem Čtyři synové Ajmonovi (Les quatre fils Aymon), protože vypráví o nenávisti a o bojích mezi králem Karlem Velikým a čtyřmi syny Ajmona z Dordone (Renaud, Guichard, Allard a Richard). Facies 1a in a different location in the cave topography is still facies 1a unless it can be differentiated appropriately. The initial 234U/238U ratios are calculated using corrected ages, which are reported relative to 1950. Human Roots, African and Asia in the Middle Pleistocene. The tailing corrections were 7 cts/V(238U) and 17 cts/V(238U) for 230Th and 234U, respectively. (2015) noted that flowstone samples included a detrital component derived from associated muds in all tested pilot samples which confounded U-Pb dating because of the high and isotopically variable background of common Pb it carries. across the floor of the cavern. Only AFTER the debris cone collapsed/eroded would Unit 2 material have spread/deposited along (evenly?) RS1 and RS15 are blind duplicate samples taken from a hanging remnant of Flowstone Group 2 that occurs in a N-trending fracture, ~10 m N of the excavation pit and ~3 m N of a major outcrop of sub-unit 1a sediment from which sample OSL3 was collected. Sample 1810 (full catalogue number U.W.101–1810) is a lower left third premolar or possibly lower left fourth premolar (Figure 6c) obtained from the SE corner of the excavation pit (Figure 4), embedded within sediments of Unit 3, ~5 cm below the original ground surface level. Lines 270-276: Unit 1 is divided (incorrectly) into 3 subfacies. The variable U-Th disequilibrium ages are a clear indication that U uptake events took place, and provide a minimum age estimate for the true age of the teeth. Reported δ13C was measured relative to the PDB-1 on the sample itself. RS19 was taken from a wedge-shaped sample of Flowstone Group 2 that formed along the lip of a drip pool directly overlying Unit 3 sediments, 1.2 m S of the excavation pit (Figure 1b). d) Why are U ratios 234/238 and 230/232 ratios from JCU only reported in Table 1 as explained in caption – actual ratios are not shown in table. He has also ventured into regional music and language, such as the language of Marseille in La Belle de Mai, the north with Renaud cante el' Nord and even Corsican polyphonics in "Lolito lolita". Iscriviti a. In particular we would like to thank the National Geographic Society, the National Research Foundation and the Lyda Hill Foundation for significant funding of the discovery, recovery and initial analysis of this material. Some kind of discussion about what the different techniques used are all actually dating, which components of the cave system vs the fossils themselves etc would make a good introduction for the paper and segue into the more detailed methods section. I have marked up a text copy of the manuscript, which I attach, and summarise some of the points below. In instances where samples were obtained from the same flowstone layer, but at different stratigraphic levels (e.g., sample pairs RS13 and RS18, RS22 and RS23, RS16 and RS17, and RS11 and RS21) all ages are consistent with stratigraphic order, and blind duplicates of the same sample (RS1 and RS15) returned identical results within error, indicating that results are both accurate and precise. For each sample a 30 cm length of aluminium piping with a diameter of 5 cm was hammered into the sediments in a horizontal direction or parallel to sedimentary laminations visible within the units. (a) Comparison of sampling grids across the enamel-dentine boundary measured by SCU-UoW (red lines) vs. GU-ANU (blue circles). Doing otherwise is introducing complication and would be perpetuating confusion. This minimum age limit can be constrained further to 236 ka based on U-Th age estimates for Flowstone 1c (242.0 ± 5.0 ka; 242.9 ± 6.6 ka; Table 1), which directly covers fossil material of H. naledi, noting that these ages may represent minimum age estimates for the flowstone as a result of possible U uptake during a period of raised groundwater levels (Figure 14). The entire layer is recrystallized with fine, radiating acicular crystals of calcite growing upward from the basal contact. It does seem like the resolution and precision of the dates are not great and makes it difficult to properly interpret the context of the hominins. The best age estimates for H. naledi can be obtained by directly dating fossil material. Unit 3 accumulated below the hanging remnants of the Unit 2 debris cone near the entry shaft, and also extends along the current, sloping cave floor to the SW end of the chamber (Figures 2c and 8). Thus, the basis of different subfacies here based on "relative topographic position in the cave" (i.e., facies 1c) is not valid criteria. See further comments on this issue in our various responses below. In particular, the effects of possible post-depositional U uptake, which would result in apparent ages that are younger than the true age, can be assessed with textural analyses (e.g., Pickering et al., 2010), and the use of initial 234U/238U ratios (Tables 2 and 3; Kronfeld et al., 1994). Therefore, in calculating the ages we have assumed the water content to be 25 ± 10%. their environmental dose rates). RS16 and RS17 are two separate samples from a cascade-like crust of Flowstone Group 2 that formed within the main floor drain between the entry shaft and excavation pit (Figure 1b). ESR measurements were performed at room temperature with a EMXmicro 6/1 Bruker ESR spectrometer coupled to a standard rectangular ER 4102 ST cavity, with the following acquisition parameters: 1–10 scans, 2 mW microwave power, 1024 points resolution, 15 mT sweep width, 100 kHz modulation frequency, 0.1 mT modulation amplitude, 20 ms conversion time and 5 ms time constant. Ages were calculated with Isoplot 3.75 (Ludwig, 2012), and uncertainties are reported as 2 σ. Baseline and drift were corrected using analysis of the NIST 612 glass standard, while two coral standards (the MIS7 Faviid and MIS5 Porites corals from the Southern Cook Islands; Woodroffe et al., 1991) were used to correct 234U/238U and 230U/238U ratios and assess the accuracy of measurements. Renaud-Delile Fine Petite Champagne Hors d'Âge (View Label Image) Spirits, France, Cognac, Fine Petite Champagne. This was not discussed in the paleomag section and it is totally omitted here. The enamel of sample 1788 (Figure 9b) was analysed along two transects at an oblique angle to the surface to increase the number of analyses across the enamel layer. I am not unfamiliar with the sites in this region and these dating techniques but struggled to follow a clear story with the manuscript. RS11 and RS21 represent two samples taken from the top and bottom, respectively, of the same flowstone unit developed along the floor below an active drip point, 1.5 m E of the excavation pit. In Table 4 only closed system dates are reported, while Table 5 also lists dates based on the continuous diffusion model of Sambridge et al. This should have a different header. Overdispersion in De ranges from 50–70%, which is much higher than would be expected for a well-bleached sample, and indicates that it is most appropriate to apply a Minimum Age Model (MAM) to the dataset, in which the MAM age is likely to represent a maximum estimate for the age of the sediments (see Discussion). It just so happens that we have found one spot in the teeth that records this old age reflecting early U-uptake; this age will, therefore, set a likely minimum age for the fossils (compare this to detrital zircon ages where the youngest zircon age will be closest to the actual depositional age of the sediment even if older grains are far more numerous!). Erosional remnants of Unit 3 under Flowstone 1c contain in situ long bones consistent with H. naledi, which are actively eroding out and accumulating along the present cave floor. This procedure was performed twice for each sample, with clean ethanol for each bath. The upper surface of the flowstone has a rough, pitted appearance as a result of partial resorption/dissolution along grain boundaries of the acicular crystals. This is not as critical for U-Th as it would have been for U-Pb (the reviewer appears to have U-Pb in mind in making this comment.). Unit 3 sediments are dynamic in the sense that they are poorly lithified in most places and actively slump towards, and erode into, floor drains that occur in parts of the chamber where sediment is being washed down to deeper levels in the cave (likely as a result of fluctuations in the ground water level). The flowstone is recrystallized with elongated, acicular crystals of calcite growing from the base to the top of the layer across all internal laminations. This layer is strongly recrystallized with radial, acicular crystals of calcite growing upward from the lower contact, which locally appears to have replaced an earlier generation of acicular aragonite. It was clear from preliminary tests that this could not be achieved with 14C, and instead combined ESR and U-Th disequilibrium dating techniques (US-ESR; Grün et al., 1988) were applied to three H. naledi teeth that were freshly collected from near the site of the original excavation (Figures 1, 2, 4 and 6), as well as a single baboon tooth (cf. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Single grain analyses are possible (Duller, 2008), but far more labour intensive and, for the purpose of this study, were not required. In situ gamma ray spectrometer measurements yielded K and Th values broadly in agreement with analysed concentrations, but did not detect U. […] However, there are many issues, the three major ones being: Although we did have quite an extensive analysis of the new stratigraphy in the cave and what the ages meant for the age of the fossils, we agree that more work was required to improve clarity and readability. While leading his career in the audiovisual industry, he remains a true horse lover. At the sample site, sediments of Unit 3 have been partly eroded from underneath the flowstone leaving a hanging remnant, 5–10 cm above the current floor level (Figure 3b). Proposing that Unit 2 (and 3) is composed of reworked Unit 1 is a sedimentological hypothesis (not a geochronological result) that needs to be tested. After the discovery was reported, a number of questions still remained. Their distinct appearance and fossil content is now confirmed with the dating. Well a few of the ESR ages don’t confirm an age of 200 ka+ so this needs rewording. 2) A summary table of all the ages (not age data) will help pull everything together and allow for a comparison both between the blind duplicates of the same methods and between the different methods. - Tables 6 & 7. We will then discuss the outcomes of each of the three strategic components, and their implications for the age of the H. naledi material. The authors suggest that the fossils entered the cave over a period of time and may have continued during the deposition of upper Unit 3 (lines 299-303). What changed the identification? The removal from dentine was not mentioned in the methods section. 7) There is no proper discussion. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Although the age constraints for sub-units 1a and 1b are imprecise they do suggest that Unit 1 in this part of the chamber is younger than Unit 2, and that the red mud clasts forming Unit 2 sediment were derived from source material matching our description of sub-unit 1a, but positioned higher up in the cave. Chemical separation of U from Th was performed using either a chromographic extraction method using Eichrom UTEVA resin (Horwitz et al., 1992, 1993) or Eichrom TRU resin (Lou et al., 1997). Therefore, any differences in age estimates relate to the measured equivalent dose (DE) and laboratory methodologies, and are not the result of model assumptions. This is a key date they use for anchoring the hominin fossils. Il envisage tour à tour les conditions du glissement de ces textes vers l’imprimé et l’apport des imprimés anciens quant à l’élaboration des éditions modernes. Needs to be explained. The reviewer is correct that there is little leeway. We have also more clearly defined the age brackets, and standardized the ESR approach, and included a new summary figure and extra sections, all of which should make it much more explicit why certain age brackets were chosen. Découvrez notre sélection de soins visage Anti-Âge sur MyOrigines : soins de jour, soins de nuit, crème anti-rides, sérum, anti-âge yeux. They are not C-14 ages. is not confirmed by evidence and, again, is just a hypothesis. Of the known factors, the only possible problem with the dating lies in the evaluation of the external dose rate. Each laboratory had sampled its own fragment from different domains of the tooth, with different radical concentrations and crystallinity, and the U-concentrations in the fragment used by SCU were somewhat higher than those used by GU-CENIEH (Tables 4 and 5). Importantly, the most crucial tests were carried out at independent laboratories around the world, and the scientists conducted the tests without knowing the results of the other laboratories. Produced by ex-Boomtown Rats bassist Pete Briquette, the album was commercially successful (certified double-platinum in just over a month)[2] but the singer's feeble, often out-of-tune vocals caused some negative reviews.[3]. This zone of recrystallization could potentially also indicate a younger infill of a cavity that had formed between phase B and C flowstone, and has been avoided during sampling. In our original submission we followed the format suggested by eLife; i.e., results are presented before the methodologies. We have only retained mention of facies where we make direct reference to Dirks et al., 2015, and such references have been made explicit. In U-Th dating, the accumulation of 230Th towards secular equilibrium and the decay of its immediate parent (234U) yields the age. H. naledi fossils may have continued to enter the Dinaledi Chamber as older parts of Unit 3 were eroded from below Flowstone 1c, and as remnants of all older units were reworked to be incorporated into Unit 3 sediments that accumulated along the floor of the Dinaledi Chamber. The abstract can also be a sentence of two longer and say something about the significance of these data – the reproducibility, the dating of difference aspects of the cave deposits and how these all fit together to produce a final age for the fossils. The analytical data of the enamel and dentine sections (Table 5) were combined to provide the data input for the ESR age calculations. This was all presented in Dirks et al. - Line 200: How can Unit 2 sediments be derived both from local erosion/reworking of Unit 1 and as a debris cone below a vertical fracture system? The stratigraphy within the Dinaledi Chamber has been previously described by Dirks et al. The flowstones are associated with relatively low initial 234U/238U ratios of 1.8–2.4 (Tables 2 and 3). The OSL results (using the MAM model), however, suggest that the Unit 1 sediments in this location must be younger than 278 ka (Table 8; using MAM age models). The paper reads like a technical report of the site, samples and results that would be circulated between co-authors – the data from the various methods is presented, often in excruciating detail (ESR) but there is no actual synthesis of the various data sets into a cohesive narrative. In August 2005, Renaud married Romane Serda, the mother of his son Malone. Bibliographic information. Again, this is an interesting issue, but not the subject of this paper. The stalactite preserves well-developed internal layering, with layers asymmetrically developed around a core, in which layers thicken towards the outward facing side of the stalactite. - Line 426: There is no data on Sample 1841 in Table 7. It does seem like the resolution and precision of the dates are not great and makes it difficult to properly interpret the context of the hominins. A reference is made to 'average' sediment values; it would be of interest to say how many samples were used. Editorially, we agree that the present paper should standalone and use the most up-to-date, appropriate descriptions and approach. Sample preparation – The sample was drilled vertically, across the layering, using a non-magnetic rock drill to produce three 2.5 cm by ~5–6 cm cores from the upper, purer part of the flowstone. We consider the maximum age scenario to more closely reflect conditions in the cave, and therefore, the true age of the fossils. Again, why are these tables formatted differently and with different information.
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