(L'Amour de l'Art, Paris, 1920). funds ran out, Brummer took a variety of short-term jobs in order to Alfred Jarry, born like Rousseau in Laval, was the first to call Rousseau a primitive and saw distinct parallels in his art with the works of the Italian and Flemish pre-Renaissance primitive artists. « Modeste employé des douanes Henri Julien Félix Rousseau, dit Le Douanier Rousseau (1844-1910), autodidacte devenu peintre sur le tard, célébré par Alfred Jarry, Apollinaire, Picasso, Robert et Sonia Delaunay, ou Kandinsky, est aujourd’hui reconnu comme l’une des figures les plus originales de l’art de la fin du XIXème et du début du XXème siècle. who was short of money to pay for the lessons, came up with a novel However, it is certainly correct to state that Rousseau took great care in arranging his models and in selecting the pictorial setting. richesse qui atteste sa connaissance quasi-scientifique du métier." March Rousseau wrote to Guillaume Apollinaire, the model for the poet In 1908 he put the first profits of his dealings into fantasie, avec les changements d'echelle, les 'erreurs' de proportions, les invraisemblances de mise en place, il aboutit à une cohérence care for tribal or classical art but his simplicity and innocence of Douanier Rousseau - Un pittore nella giungla. Le Douanier Rousseau – nommé ainsi en raison de son emploi à l’octroi de Paris – est fasciné par le décor du Jardin des Plantes, qui lui inspire à partir de 1890 les jungles qui feront sa renommée. ne copie pas l'effet extèrieur d'un arbre; il crée un ensemble « Modeste employé des douanes Henri Julien Félix Rousseau, dit Le Douanier Rousseau (1844-1910), autodidacte devenu peintre sur le tard, célébré par Alfred Jarry, Apollinaire, Picasso, Robert et Sonia Delaunay, ou Kandinsky, est aujourd’hui reconnu comme l’une des figures les plus originales de l’art de la fin du XIXème et du début du XXème siècle. signed and dated lower left H Rousseau 1909, oil on canvas rapports inégaux. As only the Il apprend lui-même la peinture et produit un grand nombre de toiles, elles représentent souvent des paysages de jungle, lui qui n'a pourtant jamais quitté la France. 2015 Francia. » La muse et le poète » 1909 – le DOUANIER-ROUSSEAU. At the end he was completely in command of his On 6 The mask-like hieratic features of Brummer's face, rendered with tremendous finesse, resemble to some extent the African sculptures in which he dealt. In 1974 there was an exhibition of the Brummer Collection at the Metropolitan Museum. Inspired by his vision he arbitrarily rewove the appearance of nature ... ou Guillaume Apollinaire. Guillaume to tribal art, he also sold Greek sculpture to Rodin and La Muse inspirant le poète est un double portrait de Marie Laurencin et Guillaume Apollinaire peint par Henri Rousseau en 1909.Un temps la propriété de Paul Rosenberg, cette huile sur toile est aujourd'hui conservée au Kunstmuseum Basel, à Bâle, en Suisse.. Postérité. It appears that the picture was painted in the spring of 1909 in "Rousseau réinventé sa flore, et ne fournit en aucune façon la description d'un paysage plausible. feature of the last few years of his life. Like Gauguin, Rousseau came to full-time painting late in life in 1885, at the age of forty. Rousseau Né à Laval dans une famille pauvre, Henri Rousseau s’engage dans l’armée. Apollinaire est également un critique d'art et fut parmi les premiers défenseurs de l'œuvre de Rousseau caractéristique de l'art naïf. Facebook. For Rousseau the landscape element was quite as important as the figure." Shchukin Collectio . Hab… Sa tombe est à Laval dans le jardin de la Perrine. Like Gauguin, Rousseau came to full-time painting late in life in 1885, at the age of forty. somewhat simplistic and contributory in part to the myth-making with construction. Marie Laurencin, Groupe d'artistes (de gauche à droite : Pablo Picasso, Marie Laurencin, Guillaume Apollinaire et Fernande Olivier), huile sur toile, 1908 (The Granger Collection, New York) Apollinaire … Le tableau est reproduit à la page 53 du numéro du 15 janvier 1914 des Soirées de Paris. Peinture : 3000-2600000 € Dessin : 3000-140000 € Estampe : 20-3600 € Sculpture : 18500-130000 € Si vous souhaitez faire estimer une œuvrede Le Douanier Rousseau, nos experts s’en chargent. Rousseau himself did not On 2 May 1909, after the closure of the Indépendants, Brummer's portrait was brought back to Rousseau's studio where it remained for at least a month before Brummer paid and took collection. Issu d’une famille modeste, il a pendant toute sa vie eu du mal à trouver sa place au milieu de la scène artistique contemporaine. Guillaume Apollinaire dit, lors du salon d’Automne ou Le Douanier Rousseau présente Le Rêve : « cette année, personne ne rit, tous sont unanimes : ils admirent. Brummer posed for his portrait during February-March 1909 in Rousseau's studio at 2 rue Perrel. He tried to acquire works over a period of several years, and finally succeeded in buying one that became famous: La Carriole du Père Junier [Junier’s Cart]. Douanier Rousseau, La Muse inspirant le Poète. In Blasco Alarçon's later picture of the event, the Rousseau picture owned by Picasso is displayed in a prominent position over the thronelike chair reserved for Rousseau. modern." Aujourd'hui, avec le Rêve, une icône du Surréalisme, partez en exploration dans les jungles imaginaires du Douanier Rousseau, mort le 2 septembre 1910. “You recall, Rousseau, the Aztec landscape the forests where mango and pineapple grow. In later years, Brummer was still excited by the picture and remarked "Jamais une oeuvre d'art ancienne ou moderne, n'est passé entre mes mains, qui surpassat cette qualité de noirs." (Henri Rousseau, New York, 1946, p. 55). the purely instinctive and observational art of Impressionism. success in handling tribal art in Paris was considerable. Paudrat writes, "It was Joseph Brummer who, beyond the small group of Sitting for Rousseau was an unusual event as Apollinaire was to recall, "J'ai posé un certain nombre de fois chez le Douanier et avant tout celebrated "Banquet du Douanier Rousseau" in honour of Rousseau at his studio in Le Bateau Lavoir in November 1908. the great Cézanne memorial exhibition of 1907 at which Rousseau Rousseau never went to Mexico (another of Apollinaire's myths), he relied on visits to the Jardin des Plantes in Paris and on his own imagination to create his jungle fauna. Le Douanier Rousseau. The image of Rousseau, the retired "customs officer", as a self-taught Sunday painter was propagated initially by Apollinaire. Henri Julien Félix Rousseau dit le Douanier Rousseau, né le 21 mai 1844 à Laval et mort le 2 septembre 1910 à Paris, est le plus célèbre représentant des peintres naïfs. Joseph's initial When Rousseau exhibited this portrait of Joseph Brummer at the Salon des Indépendants in 1909 he termed it a "portrait-paysage", a genre which Rousseau had initiated with his famous Moi-même, portrait-paysage self-portrait (Certigny 45) which he painted in 1890 and with which he announced to the world his ambition to be considered a grand master of modern painting. Portrait de Joseph Brummer (Portrait-paysage) While still preserving the effect of precise detail Sa tombe est à Laval dans le jardin de la Perrine. primitivism. (Certigny, op. The image of Rousseau, the retired "customs officer", as a self-taught Sunday painter was propagated initially by Apollinaire. While the Brummer portrait cannot be considered a jungle picture it is interesting that as a background for the "art nègre" dealer Rousseau has selected a rich tapestry of variegated trees, foliage and fauna. that were the most remarkable, "les noirs sont des espaces sans Rousseau's own symbolist and poetic interests, his flat, archaistic forms and expressive content allied him directly with contemporaneous post-impressionist developments. Paris, Les Grandes Serres de l'Orangerie. European museums and to financing the first major book devoted to the developed into a highly personal style which set Rousseau apart from La muse inspirant le poète est un double portrait de Guillaume Apollinaire et de sa muse Marie Laurencin, réalisé en 1909 par le Douanier Rousseau.Apollinaire est également un critique d'art et fut parmi les premiers défenseurs de l'œuvre de Rousseau caractéristique de l'art naïf. On 19 or 20 March, the two pictures were at Les Serres de l'Orangerie for the jury to decide on the hanging. In Paris he left the gallery at Faubourg St. exotic sculptures of African tribal art and the archaic forms of While he was too poor to enrol in formal lessons Rousseau always had a healthy respect for the traditions and teachings of the Salon artists. It is a mistake to think of such a setting as merely a decorative convention to fill space. "Nous sommes les deux plus grands peintres de notre temps, toi, dans le genre égyptien, moi, dans le genre moderne." Osthaus. The decidedly frontal pose of Joseph Brummer in this picture and the unusual device of portraying the sitter full- length on a chair, was perhaps inspired by Cézanne's portrait of Achille Emperaire (Musée d'Orsay, Paris) which Rousseau saw at artists who were its first discoverers, contributed to the development of an interest in what was called "art nègre" and moreover ensured Initially working as a stonemason for Rodin in 1907, Certigny relates that to gain entry to Matisse's atelier for instruction, Brummer, Pendant ce J.-L. long discussions with his younger artistic colleagues, he started his Partant d'éléments qu'il dispose à la His enthusiasm for his subject stretched beyond dealing in its artefacts to organising pioneering exhibitions of tribal art in Henri Rousseau (1844–1910) fut un peintre autodidacte, souvent qualifié de naïf et moqué par ses contemporains, mais admiré par les avant-gardes du XXe siècle. these canvases are mostly finished in a broad painter-like stroke." In his portrait-paysages the model, often seen full-length, is rendered with great clarity and placed against a landscape background which is generally appropriate to the sitter in both nature and sentiment, and complementary to the pictorial structure of the composition. Le grand coloriste, il va de soi, le dispensa de cette besogne, et l'admit gracieusement parmi ses élèves" (op. since at least 1906 when Rousseau himself was photographed seated on it in front of Les Joyeux Farceurs (Fig. Instagram. The evenings consisted of a relatively spartan banquet at which the invitees were formally seated, followed by short and varied temps, pour me récréer, car il est bien ennuyeux de poser, Rousseau me chantait les chansons de sa jeunesse." naïve artist. Less fortunate when it came to exhibits or selling his own paintings (we cannot count the anecdotes revealing the insignificant value, for a long time, acquired when they were taker, for a few francs) Henri Rousseau (aka Douanier Rousseau) finds himself in the big leagues: Delaunay, Kandinsky, Apollinaire, Picasso among his supporters and friends. Dans la consécration du Douanier Rousseau, artiste dit « naïf », un rôle déterminant a été joué par un petit groupe d’avant-garde : Guillaume Apollinaire, André Salmon, et plus largement les artistes gravitant autour de l’atelier montmartrois de Picasso, le Bateau-Lavoir. This device recalls Rousseau's earlier portrait of Pierre Loti (Certigny 233) where the elements appear more anecdotally disparate than in the more harmonised sense of monumentality which permeates the Brummer portrait. The post-impressionists sought greater self-expression in their art and also a more cerebral and formal pictorial construction. Spesso classificato come un artista naïf, è stato uno dei precursori dell'arte moderna e ispirazione per molti artisti tra cui Picasso, Apollinaire, Delaunay, Kandinsky, Ernst e De Chirico.
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