L’hymne absolu des années 2000, et hélas des footeux, ... Top 10 des meilleurs albums rock des années 2000 14 Top 20 des événements marquants de la décennie 2000-2009 À la fin du siècle dernier ils n’étaient au mieux que des promesses. (My Chemical Romance... really? Le duo avouant entre autres vices une passion pour les vieux disques de blues des années 40, et assurant par ailleurs une identité visuelle impeccable à base de rouge vif et de blanc, se fit repérer de suite, d’autant que ses passages sur scène étaient de ceux qu’on n’oublie pas. Basket case 6. Amy Winehouse, pur joyau vocal, transmettait au moins le temps de ses chansons, une incroyable pulsion de vie. « punky américana » ? The way they put everything together is outstanding. Surly Radiohead should be at the top of this list. ... includes garage rock … Coldplay, along with Muse and Radiohead, have been one of the few bands to successfully re-invent themselves on every album. They can do it all. They are beautiful! I can listen to Avenged Sevenfold 10 times a day and not get tired of it. This band is the last rock band to actually kick ass and stick it to the government. Cette nouvelle musique populaire auprès de la jeuness… Music. Puis autant le dire, les femmes batteuses, dans le rock n’ont pas été légion, il y avait bien jadis ce groupe de filles, les Runaways, ou celles nommées Birtha, dont le slogan disait « Birtha has balls ». Really disappointed with the list.When you discover Radiohead you'll find this is the best rock band. Still think they sucks? À moins qu’on ne fasse partie de ce sous-groupe inattendu, mais désormais réel au-delà de toute raison, celui des accros au fameux « Seven Nation Army » devenu sur toute la surface du globe cri de ralliement des supporters de tous sports, de tous clubs, et de tous pays. When I come around. They have beautiful lyrics that really touch you heart along with Mike and Chester's amazing voices, and also, they are total sweethearts who have amazing hearts and they want to help make the world a better place, they care about those In need and they definitely care about their fans. Like right now. Les supergroupes ne durent jamais longtemps. Difficulté d’être, boulimie, alcool, drogue, auront comme on sait le dernier mot. pin. My favorite album ever! I quite like Green Day...but Foo Fighters are way better! On aurait aimé vous parler également des Paddingtons, des Palma Violets, des Louis XIV, des Fratellis, tous groupes ayant porté fièrement le glaive d’un rock anglais « rough », dur, mais élégants, dans le sillage de ces quatre Libertines. My personal favorite for many reasons. And they will never be legendary. But then its radiohead. You guys scream and rock the concerts! Par Hervé Resse YES, YES, YES! Here we go:My Chemical Romance only know how to make a good song that's fast and loud. 21 guns 4. Pages dans la catégorie « Groupe de musique britannique des années 2000 » Cette catégorie contient 302 pages, dont 200 sont affichées ci-dessous. These are all My Chemical Romance's messages and ring just as true today as the day they were spoken. Arrive un moment où mieux vaut laisser tomber les étiquettes ; prendre le duo pour ce qu’il était, porteur d’un style parfaitement inédit à base de gimmicks parfaitement éprouvés. Not to mention Travis Barkers incredible drumming skills to top off all their songs. Those tracks are full of the essence of rock n' roll and will be remembered as the best of this decade. No-one has even come close. Linkin Park has one major goal. Nothing on the bands above them, but you just can't beat these guys!When I say you haven't listened to them, I mean you need to listen to a song besides Diary of Jane, it's an amazing song, but they have a load of other AMAZING songs! I believe they should be in the number one spot, not only for these reasons, but also for the fact that they paint the truth in the form of power chords and dark melodies. Live performances are enthralling and all corey, mick, jim, shawn and joey make a magnetic team... Tom Delonge's unique voice and lyrical ablity along with Mark Hoppus' colorful lyrics and his ability to show his fun personality through his songs just makes this band stand above all the rest. System of a Down is one of the most lyrically eclectic bands of this generation. Linkin Park is probably the only surging band from the new metal era who are still just as famous as they we're when they debut hybrid theory in 2000. best rock songs of 2000-2009. top rock tracks of 2000s decade. QOTSA ? This awesome band should be also in 10. They started during the year 2000, and until now they are still performing and making music. par La rédaction 17 septembre 2014. Insane drums. Linkin park & green day are my favorite bands but paramore is my heart's favorite. Cela rajeunit les anciens, qui avaient appris le sens du nom « supergroupe » avec Cream ou Blind Faith, quand des membres de différents groupes connus en créaient un nouveau. Good riddance 9. Recommander There is not one filler song on Stadium Arcadium album, how is this not in the top ten? Rise Against should be #1. The singing is just down right awesome. Corey Taylor can hit more octaves than any other lead vocalists and his screams are BRUTAL. Badly. Also very few bands can say that they have had a musical made of their album. One of the proofs is that green day has won a grammy and linkin park has'nt. Compile every lyrics of their songs and you'll have a book of first class poetry. They have some of the most iconic of that decade and even though they are pop like today, even the new can be really good. Alex Turner is a genius and their albums while all very different stylistically, maintain a level of class unseen by many other bands. En attendant l’inévitable biopic, queue de comète de toute bonne saga passée à la moulinette marketing. They are a great sounding hard rock band that has an incredible style which I've always loved. I mean, have you heard the bassline to Hysteria? Bureid Alive showcases their versatility better than any other song they have. Man, this band is just amazing. Calexico est un groupe à écouter sur les highways, la clim à donf’, et comme disait Alphonse, ces jours où le temps daigne un peu suspendre son vol…Intemporel. Muse is the best band in the world today. , All The Small Things, Anthem Pt. Their best songs in my opinion to date are Afterlife, Almost Easy, Beast and The Harlot, Dear God, Critical Acclaim, Bat Country and some others that I've missed out for sure. Join us all month long as we celebrate the best music, film, and television of the decade.Yesterday, we shared the Top 100 Songs of the 2010s.Today, we continue with the Top 25 Rock … The Foo Fighters connected generations and it's amazing, no other band in my opinion can do that. All band members are very talented and creative, they experiment with time signatures and execute intricate rhythmic patterns. Pour info il vient de sortir un album avec son « autre » groupe les Puta Madres. Nick Valensi et Albert Hammond Jr s’entendent comme larrons en foire (expression désuète ici parfaitement assumée) aux guitares, de sorte qu’on tient là un des meilleurs premiers albums de la période, qui saura se distinguer du nombre, bien que les premiers bons disques fussent alors singulièrement nombreux. De nombreux genres et innovations y sont nés et se sont développés avant d'influencer tous les autres pays, notamment le Royaume-Uni et les autres pays européens. He was of German, Swiss-German, English, and Irish descent. Are kidding me? Déjà évoquée ici, pour son aimable participation à la malédiction des 27. However, this trend also extended successfully into the first … The red hot chili peppers suck! ce serait pour quand ? They can play slow songs with great melodies, allowing M. Shadows to show off a softer side to his voice, but he can also throw in these amazing screams. QOTSA they are one of the most creative and original bands out there. Encore que dans de tels cas, le risque du plagiat parfois menace. that's my opinion, If we're talking strickly the 00s then I seriously, seriously don't see why The Strokes aren't at the very least in the top five. Avec Amy, on est dans un autre registre, c’est dans un orchestre de jazz qu’elle fait ses premières armes, et c’est une évidence, elle a tout en elle : le blues, le swing, le soul, le phrasé, une voix de noire dans un corps de blanche. Ever since their inception, they've been constantly evolving. That's great for some people, but the lack of diversity leads them to only appeal to a certain group.Three Days Grace has a similar problem.I have a hard time making any argument against the White Stripes. Ex-blogueur compulsif, twittos appliqué, fan de rock et éditorialiste à ses heures, sur le ouèbb. Jack white is a rare breed of musician who shows absolutely no sign of selling out any time soon. Their electric live performances have garnered them multiple best live act awards, not to mention a Grammy for best rock album, The Resistance. Disque produit par Rick Rubin, chef cuistot 3 étoiles dans le rap et le métal, fondateur du légendaire label Def Jam, ordonnateur en chef des six sublimes derniers albums de Johnny Cash (la série American Recordings). Starting out being categorized as one of the Nu Metal bands they never really had full Nu Metal attributes at all. Vote System of a Down to the top.- N.A.P. Now, metal bands try to copy them, but nothing can beat the metal band slipknot! Écoutez Time For Heroes, Up The Bracket (le morceau), Horror Show. Their songs are just other-worldly and great to listen to.Matt Bellamy is one of the best guitarists in the world, and his vocals... Beautiful. Kid A is on the 00's so this is tough...Id say My Chemical Romance goes on second, then radiohead #3 (if ok computer where made on this decade there would be no reason to discuss for a number one). Sure they can play but what do they bring to the table other than cliches and predictable power chords. Their real life stories are the most inspiring of all. The foo fighters at #2? They're the best. What I mean is those songs are still good, but you know, My Chemical Romance's kind of music is on a different level.What made me listen to My Chemical Romance are their uniqueness. The lyrical content is also phenomenal. Tout en demeurant, fragiles, chaotiques, mais debout, en équilibre sur leur fil. Ok. Maybe you heard their songs, call them gay, whatever... You just don't know the meaning of their songs. This band literally can do everything. I, at one point in my life, made fun of them. But The Strokes are still keeping it real and doing what they do best. BuzzFeed Contributor Really? 4 Closer If you ever take the time to listen to Kid A, or in rainbows they will change your whole perception of good music. Avenged proved with Waking the Fallen that they could play metal music, then with City of Evil they proved they could mix it up and become more mainstream. O ! However they are by far the best band on this list. To me, Toxicity was the last time a rock album woke me up, I didn't see it coming and that was 13 years ago. Rock Hudson was born Roy Harold Scherer, Jr. in Winnetka, Illinois, to Katherine (Wood), a telephone operator, and Roy Harold Scherer, an auto mechanic. Notamment un, nommé « Steady as she goes » qui leur donnera l’envie de pousser plus loin le bouchon. Also, they are (again in my opinion) one of the only bands if not, THE only band out there that actually sounds better live than they do on the albums they put out. They have such cheerful, rocking and meaningful songs. Number 14 for a band that completely revolutionized British Rock and Garage music in general is ridiculous. The record was ranked #2 in rolling stone's top 100 albums of the 2000's and it is definitely well deserved. Elle parvient encore à transmettre aujourd’hui. Et faîtes confiance, ça vaut le détour. Playlist DJ va vous aider, nous avons sélectionné à votre place les meilleurs titres en fonction des différents styles musicaux, et vos groupes, chanteurs préférés, soit avec des séries de titre, soit à partir de juke box. "Inside my shell I wait and bleed! " It is a joke... Red Hot should be in the top 5, of course, and... Linkin Park? And the thing is, all of the variety is good. Still call them bad? I'm not very accord to this list. "Pressure" and "Misery Business" shook the punk rock world for me. A few are legit but not heavy hitters. I don't even know, it really makes so much sense to me! Rien de tel ici. I understand that their music may not be everyone's cup of tea, but there is no denying the genius Tom Yorke and company have continuously displayed throughout the years. Fallait-il appeler ça « trash blues » ? Even after Adam's leave I'm not disappointed. I just adore these guys. Too often, because of a few fan girls, they're made out to be some kind of boy band. That's simply not true. À ce détail près, qu’il serait d’ailleurs injuste de leur reprocher, le morceau était destiné à devenir un hit, qu’il en soit venu à cette seconde vie n’est qu’un épiphénomène fâcheux. One of the only bands on here that doesn't have a bunch of shrieking emo fangirls going "they're so unique and legendary and I can totally relate to their lyrics in my soul they're the soundtrack to my life, I've suffered so much, I'm a privileged white girl, wah I got rejected" and all of that bull. The band members themselves have such special hearts. The bass playing is imaginative, the guitars are hooky, the drums are perfectly played and fit well into each and every track, and Alex Turner is one of the best vocalists out there, not just in terms of sound only, but also with his lyrical brilliance and songwriting skills.The Arctic Monkeys will be one of the few bands remembered for their talent in this bland pop-laden music scene right now, and they deserve to be one of the top bands in this list, for sure. When they first came out on stage and saw what they were wearing, the whole crowd was just like, "what the hell are they wearing? They represent everything music should be. Oh and they're easily the most popular band in the world. On y entend aussi des références à Television, héros de la scène punk même si eux ne l’étaient pas plus que cela. ". Every song is well-written and singable, which is why people like them so much. ROCK DES ANNÉES 2000 (DE 2000 À 2009) Voici selon moi les groupes phare de ces dernières années : - Editors - The Killers - Arctic Monkeys - Kaiser Chiefs - Razorlight - Coldplay - Evermore - White Lies - Incubus - Muse - Kasabian. The fact that they moved from there and created lyrics that were more meaningful than any band on this list could even dream of touching with Nightmare shows how amazing these guys are as musicians. It starts off slow, and gradually builds momentum until they hit you with just a full auditory onslaught of screams, bass riffs, and guitar riffs with the heavy drums in the background that ties into everything else. I love Linkin Park almost as much as I love Green Day. Mark Hoppus and Tom Delonge make the perfect vocal pair for over-all skating music and create catchy music overnight. I just personally feel that Green Day deserves a more respectable fan basis. Most emotional band in the world. Ce qu’on appellerait ici « post-punk » ? Barat et Doherty n’arriveraient pas à la cheville des autres duos cités précédemment ? Awesome band, definitely deserving to be above all of the above bands. Un petit bonus, pour la route ? Et qu’on ne vienne pas me dire que sans les produits en question, elle n’aurait pas exprimé le même talent. Lastly, Julian's harsh and sexy vocals to top it all off. Puis, la première décision prise, fallait-il privilégier « Era Vulgaris » ou ce « Song for The Deaf », chanson pour les sourds… Rien d’évident. Deftones are awesome. The white stripes defined the 2000s and came out with countless rock anthems like Seven Nation Army, Fell in Love With a Girl, and Icky Thump. My Chemical Romance has produced some of the most influential art ever composed, testing the very limits of guitarwork and style. Keep on rocking on Muse! PAAAARCE QUE !!! 3 from their debut, 4 from One-x and 3 so far from Life Starts Now. This has to be the most diverse group of individuals to ever form a band. The white stripes were the revival of alternative rock in the 2000's. The drumming is very well done and put together and the bass is strong when it needs to be. Dom is pretty awesome on the drums. A slack in the face from you to U2 - how DARE YOU insult the greatest band in the history of the world. By far. Genius talent isn't reognised in this list Foo Fighters RHCP, RATM and Nirvana should all be top 10 if this list was serious. Rock all the way? I have been laughing my ass out watching this list. The strokes is a first absolute first in this list. Un terrible gâchis. If you haven't listened to them, you should. Seeing them at Reading this year was, without doubt, the greatest day of my life.The only reason they aren't higher is because their sound is not as commercial as other bands on the list, leading them to not chart as high. 12th?! Mais on sait que la reconnaissance ne suffit jamais totalement à ces artistes qui enfants auront été parfois bercés trop près du mur. Amazing albums? Newsflash; Three Days Grace is not some sort of unclassifiable group of geniuses. Déjà, un duo batterie guitare, cela n’avait jusqu’aux White Stripes, jamais été tenté, je veux dire, un peu sérieusement. The catchy lead guitar, played over the constant down strokes of the rhythmic guitar, supported by the delicate rhythm section is such an addictive sound. I love them and will always love them. Par la suite, la magie de ce premier essai ne sera jamais totalement retrouvée. Le rock 'n' roll est né au milieu du XXe siècle dans le sud des États-Unis. New York City Cops, "Take It Or Leave It" and "Alone, Together" are perfect tunes to rock out with, while a special mention goes to "Trying Your Luck" as the song slows everything down after so much energy and brings out a more softer, sensitive side to their ...more, Rise Against placed 12th! Rise Against is probably about the 2nd most popular in the 2nd wave of Punk along bands like Green day, Blink-182, and The Offspring. Wake me up when september ends 5. I was at their first concert, which was debuting their hit song, wait and bleed. I wish more listeners knew how to dissect this bands music and understand the level of difficulty and creativity in writing ALL of their songs, not just the radio hits. C’est ce côté bancal, l’idée qu’ils pourraient ensemble devenir monstrueux alors qu’ils n’y parviennent jamais totalement, qui les rend attachants et uniques. Un tas d’autres morceaux flamboyants fond de cet album un appel aux dons de superlatifs. They are essentially the Metallica, or Black Sabbath of the 2000s. The raw emotion, beautifully written lyrics, and the blend of different genres really and truly set them apart from the rest. His lyrics often have such a thorough meaning metaphorically and literally. Hard but melodic vocals and lyrics. A propos. Fake plastic trees, street spirit, all I need, reckoner, lucky, separator, creep, there there, 2+2=5, idioteque, everything in its right place and the list goes on. They explore and stretch the boundaries of progressive metal. American idiot 8. One of the best bands nowadays out there along with radiohead, foo fighters, muse, arctic monkeys, jack white, queens of the stone age, strokes and tame impala. Dominic Howard is also an incredible drummer, and manages to keep tempo perfectly throughout every song as well as give some kick-ass support to the band with his exceptional speed. The self titled album showed a lot of the same abilities from City of Evil and somehow managed to duplicate City of Evil's greatness. The mark of a great band is how many people can manage to copy their sound. Entourés d’amis musiciens du groupe The Dead Weathers, ces lascars montent un groupe parallèle à leurs activités, un genre de « supergroupe » à temps partiel, qu’ils baptisent Raconteurs. Featuring songs like I miss you, Down, and Feeling this, Blink 182 showed that no matter how they changed, it was for the better. Though I love My Chemical Romance, I think R. A is like waaayyy better and their songs are much more uplifting than My Chemical Romance :( Woops.If you don't vote for R. A, you either haven't heard their music, haven't read their lyrics or you didn't pay attention while listening They're an amazing band with amazing lyrics vocals everything. Conseil, Coaching, et Médiation, dans "la vraie vie". Raw Power, fantastic riffs and hard jams. Le disque est un carton mondial, tous les morceaux ou presque sortent en singles, cette anglaise s’impose aux USA, croule sous les récompenses, Grammy ceci, Awards cela. Our Rock band in school won 4 four consecutive wins by just singing Paramore songs. Linkin Park is far from #1, sure their music was great early in their career but they have fallen far from decent rock music. Anyways the music was great and about 4 months ago, I went to my first concert; a Foo Fighters concert that just blew my mind. Arctic Monkeys deserve much more praise then they get off of this list. Bon stoppons-là la séance funambule entre correction et incorrection. Ben's voice is just INCREDIBLE! [Ah, cette série des disques « Formidable Rythm n’Blues », une face rapide, l’autre lente, avec les morceaux des plus belles voix noires qui s’enchaînaient à merveille]. Il y avait là de quoi fournir un album majeur. Bands like the black keys, the strokes, etc. Les Reines de l’Âge de Pierre, n’est-ce point délicieux ? These songs are so deep and meaningful, they literally touch my heart. From their fast-paced, immediately recognizable first album, "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not," to their bold and memorable rhythms in their latest release, "AM," the Arctic Monkeys not only know how to constantly evolve their sound, they do it while sustaining the fantastic instrumentation and catchy lyrics that got them on the scene in the first place. They have sick guitar hooks and Matthew Bellamy's vocals can be spectacular if he feels like it.2. This is indeed a sad day in America. Coldplay is by far in the top three bands of the 2000s alongside Radiohead and Green Day. Green Day are my favourite band in the world, but Muse are a close second, and I have to admit that they are a much better band in terms of lyrical quality and diversity. If you enjoyed listening to this one, maybe you will like: 1. Truly blessed to see all of them in this list. -. Dame Ditto aura n’en doutons pas d’autres occasions d’exprimer toute son exubérance, entre elle et Allison Moyet, autre plantureuse anglaise des années 80, franchement, y a pas photo… à tous les niveaux. Si l’on a bien tout suivi, les Strokes, bien qu’issus de New York, seraient aux Converse All Stars près, l’exacte symétrie des Ramones, mômes des bas quartiers du Queens, arrivés à Manhattan à la force du poignet de Johnny, le Riffeur Ultime. De Muse à The Strokes en passant par Linkin Park et Arcade Fire." Yes, Linkin Park is good, but not that good.