I am guilty. In fact, it made it worse.Instead of nagging and complaining, think first of how it will affect the recipient. The more children a wife could give her husband, the more she feels favored by God and a successful wife.Rachel still longs her have her own child, though.One day, in the field, Leah’s son Rueben comes across.Mandrakes, were often considered to help with fertility and act as an aphrodisiac. Can you imagine the anger and hurt both Jacob and Rachel must have felt? I hope this helps. Thank you so much.This story of Jacob and Rachel is somehow connected to something I am going through. The story of Leah, Rachel, and Jacob is quite a dramatic love triangle. Thank you Mr. Wellman for this article. Isaac , the father of Jacob , wanted his son to marry from among their own people, so he sent Jacob to Paddan-aram, to find a wife among the daughters of Laban, Jacob's uncle. The Bible’s original love triangle: Jacob, Leah, and Rachel Tricked by his father-in-law into marrying his true love’s sister, Jacob waited 14 years before he could be with Rachel. She named him that because ” “God has vindicated me; he has listened to my plea and given me a son.” (Genesis 30:5-6).Rachel, who was always competing with her sister, Leah, has Bilhah bear another son with Jacob. So, what I think I will do is read before going to bed and then read some when I wake and hopefully I can commit what I read to memory.When Jesus returns to earth and sets up his Kingdom, what will happen to those people who were believers and past away before His return? I believe that when you date you become great friends and, later, if God wills, you will marry your best friend. Even in this day and time, if we were to speak to a Jewish person about Christ, most would think and believe that we were crazy for believing in Jesus Christ.I just find the subject interesting. I really did think Paul was talking about he was the worst of the worst. What am I to do?Dereck, this is a great question. And, Rachel has something that Leah wants even more than those mandrakes: to spend the night with her husband. Can you explain that for me.Dereck, the millineum is actually a thousand year period mentioned in Revelation 20:1-7 the millennium, the period of a thousand years during which Christ will reign on earth…a period of general righteousness and happiness, especially in the indefinite future.Some maintain that Christ will personally appear on earth for the purpose of establishing his kingdom at the beginning of this millennium. She places the gods under her seat and declines to rise because she is menstruating (Gen 31:33–35). He gives us what we do not deserve.Well, I’m the guilty one here. If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account.”.The Jews DO believe in the first 5 books of the Old Testament (called the Torah Pentateuch). ).Can you think of anyone in your life that you just don’t like? this question is off topic from this blog post and i couldnt find a better place to post it, but i have really pondered it. I believe that when Christ returns for those who are now in their graves they will rise to meet Him in the air and be with Him forever. Of course, led two of the twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis 35:24, 46:15–18). "Medical history: Biblical texts reveal compelling mysteries",ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim,Current Ummah of Islam (Ummah of Muhammad),https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rachel&oldid=977465242,Short description is different from Wikidata,Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License,Mother Abiona or Amtelai the daughter of Karnebo,Slayers of Saleh's she-camel (Qaddar ibn Salif and Musda' ibn Dahr).A Mosque in the area of Medina, possibly:This page was last edited on 9 September 2020, at 00:46. Or they may have been primarily religious images, intended to invoke the protection of the ancestors. You certainly don’t strike me as arrogant. If only Rachel had rested in God’s sovereignness and trusted Him with His plan for her life.Jacob had about enough, too and spend many nights sleeping in the fields with his flocks rather than listening to his complaining and jealous wife.While Rachel was jealous of her sister’s flourishing womb, Rachel was clearly loved by Jacob more than Leah. Discover the Bible story of Rachel in this collection of scripture quotes! I think you are an outstanding leader and a great Bible teacher. Give it to God. Rachel was the ancestress of the Northern Kingdom, which was called Ephraim after Joseph’s son. (Genesis 27).Jacob, of course, doesn’t know what his wife has done and takes an oath defending his wife and family from the accusation of the stolen gods.“But if you find anyone who has your gods, that person shall not live. I have met the love of my life but for some reason God is testing my patience by keeping her away from me. Those holding this view are usually called “millenarians.” On the other hand, it is maintained, more in accordance with the teaching of Scripture, we think, that Christ’s second advent will not be premillennial, and that the right conception of the prospects and destiny of his kingdom is that which is taught, e.g., in the parables of the leaven and the mustard-seed.The triumph of the gospel, it is held, must be looked for by the wider and more efficient operation of the very forces that are now at work in extending the gospel; and that Christ will only come again at the close of this dispensation to judge the world at the “last day.” The millennium will thus precede his coming because in Revelation 20:10-12 is when all the world, past, present, and future who are not Christians are finally judged and so the Millennium comes before the final judgment called the Great White Throne Judgment. The Bible contains some of the most wonderful love stories ever told. What sticks out to me is that things aren’t always as they seem.In the case of Leah, she was rejected, dealt with the emotions of jealousy, and deeply desired to be pursued. As it says in 1 John 5:13 “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.”.I went to that link you provided. Please know that God never gives up on us even when we are unfaithful to Him like I have been. I believe the greatest ranking angels are over or near the throne of God for they display the glory of God so much. Rachel: Bible by Tikva Frymer-Kensky The younger daughter of Laban and wife of Jacob, Rachel is the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, who become two of the twelve tribes of Israel (Gen 35:24; 46:15–18). And he worked for Laban another seven years.While he was still talking with them, Rachel came with her father’s sheep, for she was a shepherd.When Jacob saw Rachel daughter of his uncle Laban, and Laban’s sheep, he went over and rolled the stone away from the mouth of the well and watered his uncle’s sheep.Then Jacob kissed Rachel and began to weep aloud.He had told Rachel that he was a relative of her father and a son of Rebekah. Rachel, like Jacob, is simply not content with what is given her. I do believe that our angels may be with us in a protective sense but they can not be overwhelmed because the devil and his demons can do no more than God allows (Job 1) and He restricts their freedom to fit His sovereign will.I wrote an article about Guardian Angels at the link below. I got my glasses this morning and read some more. The story of Leah, Rachel, and Jacob is quite a dramatic love triangle. I have very much enjoyed our conversations so far and look forward to many more.In the book of 1st Corinthians where Paul says that he was the “Chief sinner”, I learned today that he was not describing himself as the worst of the worst, although, we know that prior to his change on the road to Damascus, he was pretty bad. I also like to put Scriptures into a song as I play guitar and one song is called “For God So Loved the World” which has John 3:16-17 and I Cor. Like Rebekah before them, both sisters actively agree to leave for Canaan. The link below explains more but we do know that whoever places their trust and faith in Christ already has eternal life. Our loved ones should be there to listen and console, but they simply aren’t God. I have memorized several Scriptures to most do with evangelizing and I put them on 3 by 5 index cards like Acts 4:12, Acts 16:30-31, Rom 10:9-13, Rom 6:23, and several others. He waited 7 years and then again 7 years. Why have you deceived me?”.Laban replied, “It is not our custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older one.Finish this daughter’s bridal week; then we will give you the younger one also, in return for another seven years of work.”.And Jacob did so. Thanks Brother.Dereck, the more I study and read the Bible the more I realize just how ignorant I am about it. Sadly, I know that I can. Rebekah had sent him there to be safe from his angry twin brother, Esau. Rachel, envious of her sister, forcefully demands children from Jacob: “Give me children or I shall die!” (Gen 30:1). I try to just keep learning.Good point Dereck. She names him Naphtali (“I have had a great struggle with my sister, and I have won.” So she named him Naphtali.” (Genesis 30:7-8) Naphtali means “my struggle” in Hebrew.Now, Leah tries to “one-up” Rachel and gives her maid Zilpah to Jacob as a wife. Let me know if I can serve you in any other way and may He truly bless you both.Thank you Rachel. Rachel is also the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, Jacob’s two youngest sons. Of course you should. More children. He stills pursues her heart, even if no one else did.The blessing we see in Leah’s life is that her dependence on Jacob’s love and attention slowly turns toward God.We see this when she was naming her fourth child, Judah, “She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “This time I will praise the Lord.” (.In this story of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel we see how God worked through this family to bring about His will by their sons eventually making up the twelve tribes of Israel. Love that about you.Also, thank you for praying for me and the church. It is called the Bible. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. Jacob had traveled a great distance to find Laban. Will they come back to life and be with Christ when He reigns on the earth? I must say that I would be the last person that I would have ever chosen to be pastor of a church but perhaps that is the point. Thank you for reminding me how romantic God’s Word can be. I have heard this century reffered to as the new millennium. The Bible contains some of the most wonderful love stories ever told. Now that we’ve recapped about Rachel in the Bible, let’s examine a few lessons that we can take from Rachel and her story. Children symbolize success, long-life and virility. More tragically, in a sad irony, the very womanhood that has helped her trick Laban thwarts her daring and her ambition in a way that has plagued women through the ages. I am most hard on myself at times. The designation of ish yemini refers to his membership in the Tribe of Benjamin (ben yamin, son of the right). Over her tomb Jacob set up a pillar, and to this day that pillar marks Rachel’s tomb” (Genesis 35:19–20). Genesis 29:15-30 Rachel had a son, Joseph, Genesis 29:31-15, 30:1-24; Rachel and Leah left their homeland with Jacob, Rachel stealing the sacred household shrine. I try to look at my path as not having attained Heaven. Rachel was the younger sister of Leah and daughter of Laban. • Mordecai, the hero of the Book of Esther, and Queen Esther herself, were descendants of Rachel through her son Benjamin. I’m so ashamed of myself right now. I am sure that made Rachel feel like the queen of the ball that a man desired her that much.On the opposite side, we can only imagine the deep longing that Leah had to be wanted by Jacob. ).Jacob is related to Rachel as Laban’s nephew (on his mother’s side) and as a second cousin on his father’s side.Giddy Rachel, runs home to share about her meeting Jacob and her father invites Jacob to the house. Please forgive me, Jack and Pam. She says “Give me children or I’ll die!” (Genesis 30:1).Now, I don’t know about you, but my husband never responds well to commands (except by God). I did not get very far because I forgot my glasses. One that is an inspiring story of love between a husband and wife is that of Jacob and Rachel. Jacob was outraged and when he confronted Rachel’s father Laban, the father told Jacob that it was customary to have the eldest daughter marry first. The infertility of the matriarchs has two effects: it heightens the drama of the birth of the eventual son, marking Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph as special; and it emphasizes that pregnancy is an act of God. Take heart, for this scripture of I John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”.I just wanted to let you know that I have and will continue to pray for you and your church. Honestly, the Bible is better than any drama or soap opera!Now that we’ve recapped about Rachel in the Bible, let’s examine a few lessons that we can take from Rachel and her story.When Rachel faced infertility, she took her frustration out on her husband, Jacob. You show by your comments that you are putting obedience to God first so truly you have my blessing, (if you even needed it) and may God richly bless your dating experience that you develop a close friendship and that the story ends in such a way that you bring glory to God. God bless you Dereck. OH HOW I GRIEVED! She became pregnant and gave birth to a son and said, ‘God has taken away my disgrace.’ She named him Joseph,and said, “May the Lord add to me another son. The Jews will someday come to finally believe in Jesus as the prophesied Messiah, but not until Christ returns to save them from the last great attempt to destroy Israel (during Tribulation some say).As for the other mysteries, where God and the Bible is silent, so must I be. I try not be arrogant in my thinking that I have attained Heaven. After figuring out what happened, Jacob is then married to Rachel a week later but only after he promises to work another seven years for Laban.There are many lessons we can learn from this story, but to me, it's the emotional undercurrent that I am most fascinated with. In Jewish wedding ceremonies, the bride usually have their entire face covered with only a small opening for the eyes. So Jacob said to Laban, “What is this you have done to me? God is in control; When Rachel faced infertility, she took her frustration out on her husband, Jacob. It is called the Bible. We have an article also that might help you that is called, “True Love: How Do You Know When You Find It?” at:Please let me know your ages because if you are very young, you should date in public places like a restaurant or at a movie and not be alone so that you can resist temptation. of the Cuneiform Evidence.”.I can kinda relate to Rachel in the bible,for I have given a child up for adoption. The rejection, jealousy, and the desire to be pursued are emotions that are still familiar in this modern day. Pastor Jack – your words are encouraging on many levels. After the biblical period, “Mother Rachel” continued to be celebrated as a powerful intercessor for the people of Israel.Greenberg, Moshe. “Another Look at Rachel’s Theft of the Teraphim.”,Spanier, Ktziah. God Bless you. I also read my Bible in the morning and in the evening just before I go to bed because I was told that whatever you see or read before going to bed, the brain retains it and meditates on it even after you are asleep. It is not about tithing or church attendance but about seeking God’s Word, hiding it in their heart, and praying for those who need the prayers of the saints. Your a serious student of the Word. I have corrected Rachel’s name throughout the article and promise to be more careful when editing in the future. Bible Commentary on Jacob and Rachel. The rabbis comment that Esther's ability to remain silent in the palace of Ahasuerus, resisting the king's pressure to reveal her ancestry, wa… Great lesson!!!! Because I feel like I have not.So, is it a good way to think that our work here on earth is never complete enough to believe we will make it into Heaven and is the way of the Christian easy even though we read that the path is narrow?Well said Dereck, especially that last line. Nobody needs to be ashamed of honest, useful labor, nor ought it to hinder any one's preferment. Forced to serve Rachel’s father, Laban, for seven years to win her, Jacob was tricked at the end of that time into marrying her sister, Leah. You see, God enabled Leah to have four sons because “… the Lord saw that Leah was unloved…” (.He saw how she was not loved as she deserved to be and because of her age or lack of suitors she was married to a man that desired someone else… her own sister. But, ya know what? – Song of Solomon 7:13.Rachel wants those mandrakes. But their love was stronger than any trick her father could have pulled off.Leah, truly the unloved wife, was noticed by God and “he opened her womb” (Genesis 29.31). and Tricksters: A Prelude to Biblical Folklore.Countertraditions He’s pretty mad and tells her that he can’t do anything about it because only God can give her children.Rachel decides that the only way to have a child is to have one via a surrogate mother. 3 Minute Read As a consequence of her demand, Jacob agrees to her plan, to give Bilhah, whom her father had given her (Gen 29:29),The competition between the sisters/co-wives continues as Leah gives her maid.This agreement proves fruitful for both wives. Her womanhood perhaps disqualifies her from receiving the teraphim legitimately; so she uses her womanhood to prevent Laban from taking them away once she has taken them illegitimately.In the end, Rachel’s stratagem comes to naught. Unfortunately, Rachel died in childbirth.Did jealousy ultimately kill Rachel? (Genesis 31:14-16),While both sisters were upset, only Rachel did something about it. More time of Jacob’s. You pray for something, wait earnestly, receive the blessing, and then the ugly monster of jealousy says, “It’s not enough!”.God did bless Rachel with conceiving a child but because she wanted more, as jealousy had its way, she became pregnant again. God commands us to love them, anyway. Thank you Matheus.Thank you Matheus. Sadly, it is one of the greatest love letters that people do not read. I have been fighting alcoholism for some time. She is passionate about helping Christian women deepen their walk with God through Bible study and creative worship and strengthen their marriages.What can we learn from Rachel in the Bible? Rachel died young, even for biblical times.4. Biblical scholars conclude that this name might have been a term of endearment by her father.My FREE Bible Study Worksheets can help you!She was only thirty-six years’ old when she died during childbirth.Instead, she was buried in Bethlehem, not in the,Rachel (Wives of the Patriarchs) – Jill Eileen Smith,Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible – Liz Curtis Higgs,Rachel and Leah Bible Study – Nicki Koziarz.What other lessons do you see from the story of Rachel in the Bible?