The results show that Earth rotation is very important in generating asymmetry in the plume flow. During southwest wind events, the mixing zone moves landward, being observed inside the access channel, while part of the coastal plume remains in the coastal zone and is directed northward as a coastal current. 30 . Host your event at Fleuve Congo Hotel – from birthday parties to formal events – with elegance and authentic hospitality. Sc. d/s. DEFANT A. Soc. En fonction des variations du débit du fleuve et des changements saisonniers de la nature des eaux marines, l'importance et le trajet des eaux du Congo peuvent être largement modifiées : & 20 milles de l'embouchure et en dessous de 10 m d'immersion, la salinité est à peu près partout supérieure B 35 Oloo pendant l'étiage et la grande saison froide, à 30 oloo pendant la petite crue et la grande saison chaude et a 28 Oloo pendant la grande crue et la petite saison froide ; c'est entre 3 et 5 m sous la surface qu'on observe généralement la plus forte halocline : de l'ordre de 5 oloo par mètre, ... Several papers observed a strong relation between the intensity of river discharge and the plume size, ... D'après J. R. Donguy-J. nat. ... Once on the shelf, the plume is often observed to approach and attach itself to the coast rather than to continue to flow seaward in an unbounded fashion. Sediments deposited during glacial intervals contain markedly lower carbonate, higher levels of organic carbon, and more abundant siliceous biogenic components, fecal pellets, and pyrite. Liste des espèces et notes écologiques, Le biotope à Cancris congolensis aux abords de l'estuaire du fleuve Congo, Pointe-Noire et la façade maritime du Congo-Brazzaville, Recensement du parc piroguier maritime congolais : 1987-1988, Statistiques de la pêche artisanale maritime au Congo 1988, Need for RADAR system utilisation for maritime traffic management: a case of Congo River Basin. Pointe-Noire - Votre livraison au Congo en 24h, avec 7 kilos de courses alimentaires retour offerts, en provenance du pays, livrées en France sous 72h. In terms of discharge it 9 3 ranks as the second largest river in the world (1,400 x 10 m annual discharge), its rate of discharge varying between 26,000 m /sec in August to 3 nearly 60,000 m /sec in December, ... Rather, this dif- (I/BLU) UO!^BJ|U9DUOD juauiipas in ference probably reflects that change in river discharge between June and 3 July, the times of the two cruises. Illite and montmorillonite are abundant in the southern part of the basin, reflecting the source in soils of South West Africa and northward transport in the Benguela Current system. Initial attempts at modeling the effluent as a two-dimensional jet, while possibly appropriate for tidal inlets adjacent to shallow shelves, are inappropriate for the buoyant effluent from an estuary. In addition, results also showed that northeast winds displace the coastal plume southward, which is likely to be related to the formation of mud banks south of the Patos Lagoon mouth. Sedimentation rates during the past 200-300 x 103 years remained relatively constant on the rise, averaging 3-5 cm/103 years. This "climax" bottom water was eventually mixed with the overlying water by geothermal heating. Vol. fleuve . These conditions resulted in higher benthic productivity, a shallower lysocline, and a more reducing near-bottom environment, as bottom water in the Angola Basin, produced during glacial maxima, became isolated. Kaolinite dominates the clay-mineral assemblage in the north-central part of the basin, reflecting a source in the tropical-humid Congo Basin and transport to the deep-sea through the Congo River and canyon systems. The gravitational pattern in estuar-ies is often perturbed, at subtidal scales, by flows resulting from other processes. En-juillet-et-en aofit . Tides are important for the mixing processes, causing an increase of the plume area and a decrease of the plume penetration offshore. Learn more Dining Taste fine dining at our Kinshasa Restaurant. Le fleuve Congo est partitions en trois sections: le Haut Congo, le milieu et le bas Congo Congo. The Patos Lagoon is located in the southernmost part of Brazil, between 30°–32° S and 50°–52° W, being connected to the South Atlantic Ocean via a narrow channel that is less than 1 km wide. The lagoon drains a hydrographic basin of approximately 200,000 km², and its principal rivers contribute with an annual mean discharge of about 2000 m³ s⁻ⁱ. We offer something for every taste, whether you desire a full meal from our … Prepared under Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-67-A-010B-0004 and National Science Foundation Grants GA-29460 and GA-35454 from the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory. Subtidal est-uarine flow variability appears to be ubiquitous, but no predictive framework for these circulation patterns has yet been proposed. From healthy European breakfasts to appetizing international lunches and dinners, world-class dining is a specialty at our Congolese restaurant. (1958) -Les saisons marines &. Variations des caractères hydrologiques au cours de . Japan -l o b, The results show that Earth rotation is very important in generating asymmetry in the plume flow. le . (1961) -Physical Oceanography -Volume I -Pergamon Press, pp.513-543. In addition, results also showed that northeast winds displace the coastal plume southward, which is likely to be related to the formation of mud banks south of the Patos Lagoon mouth. Son cours supérieur est appelé Lwalaba ou Lualaba, et entre les années 1970 e… Le Congo est un fleuve d'Afrique centrale prenant sa source sur les hauts plateaux à la limite de l'Afrique australe, drainant de nombreux pays (dont majoritairement la République démocratique du Congo) et se jetant dans l'océan Atlantique. The lagoon drains a hydrographic basin of approximately 200,000 km2, and its principal rivers contribute with an annual mean discharge of about 2000 m3 s−1. PP * 23 -25, MARINE -I n s t r u c t i o n s Nautiques -Afrique -Côte Ouest. Thèse. O00 . Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution August, 1973 Recent sedimentation in the eastern Angola Basin includes calcareous oozes in the north and south (Guinea Rise and Walvis Ridge) and hemipelagic lutites and terrigenous turbidites on the Congo Cone and on the Angola rise and abyssal plain. Fleuve Congo, Paris. 1825) poissons Sciaenidae, Les fonds du plateau continental congolais et le delta sous-marin du fleuve Congo : bilan de huit années de recherches sédimentologiques, paléontologiques, géochimiques et géophysiques, Thermal domes in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Premières données sur les copépodes pélagiques de la région congolaise : 1. Son cours est navigable par sections: il est entrecoupé par des rapides en amont avant Kisangani et en aval entre Kinshasa et lAtlantique. 0ceanogr.-Soc. Oceanographic changes from interglacial to glacial periods, based on sediment composition and geochemistry, include: (1) northward extension and intensification of the Benguela Current and associated high primary productivity off southern Angola; (2) onset of upwelling and high surface productivity off northern Angola, Congo, and Gabon; and (3) major influx of bottom water into the Angola and Guinea Basins. Fleuve dAfrique centrale, le Congo est le second au monde par son débit 80 832 m 3 /s maximum et le second plus long dAfrique après le Nil. r i v e r f l o w o f f the mouth -J. Extrait des Cahiers O.R.S.T.O.M. De par sa position médiane de l’équateur, le débit du fleuve est stable et est, de ce fait, navigable tout au long de l’année et en toute saison. 1' étiage . 1970. Tides are important for the mixing processes, causing an increase of the plume area and a decrease of the plume penetration offshore. The Congo River represents the only major source of fresh water off west Africa between the Niger and Orange Rivers. dkbit du fleuve est voisin de . To carry out this analysis, the finite element model TELEMAC2D was used for the experiments. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. SERVICE HYDROGRAPHIQUE DE LA MARINE -I n s t r u c t i o n s Nautiques -Afrique -Côte Ouest, pp.287-290. Wind forc-ing is the most familiar of these. La largeur de son lit est très variable, au confluent de l’Oubangui cette dernière peut atteindre jusqu’à 15 Km, environ 23 Km au pool Malebo et moins de 2 Km à Kinshasa. Fleuve Congo (Zaïre River), l'Afrique La largeur du fleuve Congo varie d'environ 0,5 miles à 10 miles à plusieurs points le long de son cours. pp.147-149. Japan 11/4, Paris. 0ceanogr. PP 092 -98 0, A complementary note of t h e d i f f u s i o n o f the seaward r i v e r f l o w o f f the mouth -J. The areal extent of the identifiable plume is dependent on the rate at which fresh water is being supplied to the estuary. In this work, the dynamics of the Patos lagoon coastal plume was studied considering theoretical situations that determine the relative importance of Earth rotation, river discharge, tides, and winds. 8.4K likes. The estuarine-shelf exchanges driven at subtidal scales result in buoyant effluent plumes, which influence shelf chemistry and biology as well as physics. Série Océanographie. Bulletin d'Information du COEC, X, 6 ( j u i n 1958), Extension des eaux du Var dans l a baie de Nice - B u l l e t i n d, ROMANOVSKY V. (1951) -Extension des eaux du Var dans l a baie de Nice - To carry out this analysis, the finite element model TELEMAC2D was used for the experiments. The Patos Lagoon is located in the southernmost part of Brazil, between 30°–32° S and 50°–52° W, being connected to the South Atlantic Ocean via a narrow channel that is less than 1 km wide. The Congo River (Kongo: Nzâdi Kôngo, French: Congo fleuve, Portuguese: Rio Congo), formerly known as the Zaire River during the dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko, is the second longest river in Africa, shorter only than the Nile, as well as the second largest river in the world by discharge volume, following only the Amazon.It is also the world's deepest recorded river, with measured depths in excess of 220 m (720 … Hardivillé et J. C.Le, -Les saisons marines &. et . Slumped and ponded sediments are dominant within the Angola diapir field. All rights reserved. Ce qui représente un phénomène unique au monde ; en effet, 1/3 du bassin du fleuve se trouve … TAKANO K. (1955)-A complementary note of t h e d i f f u s i o n o f the seaward