This also includes the major arteries. al., A Manual of Acupuncture Li Ding, Acupuncture, Meridian Theory, and Acupuncture Points. Acupuncture Points Guide – View All Meridians. Master associated point - KI27 Master luo point - SP21 Obesity - GV26 Anxiety with palpations - HT7 Whole body weakness pain - SP21 Center of respiration - CV17 Malpositioned fetus - BL67 Tsun or cun is the measurement of one “body inch” used locate acupuncture points… Sep 13, 2015 - Explore Infinity Flexibility's board "Infinity: Spleen Pancreas Meridian", followed by 355 people on Pinterest. In Chinese Medicine, the Spleen is responsible for the transformation of the food we eat, and transporting the nutrients to the rest of the body. However in Traditional Chinese Medicine the spleen’s qi main functions are different. Since Sp 2 is the Fire point of Spleen, we can understand that if the Spleen becomes too self-absorbed and serious, or when Earth becomes cold and bogged down, that the light and inspiration of the Shen can initiate intent into thought and form. Shangqiu (SP5) Jing-Well Point (Shangqiu (SP5) Jing-Well Point) Jing-Well Point Posted on Feb 21, 2008 - 07:44 PM Read full article Gongsun (SP4) Luo-Connecting Point, The Eight Confluent Point (Gongsun (SP4) Luo-Connecting Point, The Eight Confluent Point) Luo-Connecting Point, The Eight Confluent Point It is contraindicated! In Western medicine the spleen is thought of as an organ which helps the immune system by producing lymphocytes (white blood cells) and helps to remove old blood cells. SP 11 – Chinese name: JIMEN Location 6 cun proximal... Read More. It also treats the bleeding disorder in the lower burner. See more ideas about meridian, acupressure, acupuncture points. The process can be broken down into 3 … There is good news though. Spleen 6 is a special point because it is the crossing point of the spleen, liver and kidney meridians! Classification: Xi-Cleft point of the Spleen Meridian. Acupuncturists rely heavily on this point to harmonize the Spleen energetic organ system. Spleen 8 Diji. Learn spleen points acupuncture with free interactive flashcards. Peter Deadman, et. SP4 point, Gong sun (Yellow Emperor) Location: On the medial aspect of the foot, in the depression distal and inferior to the base of the first metatarsal bone. Oct 19, 2018 - Spleen 6 is one of the most commonly used acupuncture points in Chinese Medicine. Points on the abdomen Especially on the lower abdomen: Ren (Conception Vessel) 3 – 8 In acupuncture, great caution is required when needling points on the abdomen during pregnancy. SP 11 – JIMEN Spleen Meridian Acupuncture Point. Therefore a strike to this area has a greater potential for serious damages. SP-1 is the point to choose for fullness in the chest and below the Heart because it unbind the chest. SP 10 – XUEHAI Spleen Meridian Acupuncture Point. Location of Earth Motivator. SP-1 YinBai. Acupuncture Points of the Spleen 2. Spleen 6 is one of the most useful and important acupressure-acupuncture points on the body with a multitude of actions and indications. 3 Cardinal Points, Tsun Measurment 4 Types of Acupuncture Points 5 Associated & Alarm Points 6 Tsing and Source Points (Akabane points) 7 Lung Meridian 8 Large Intestine Meridian 10 Stomach Meridian 14 Spleen Meridian 16 Heart Meridian 17 Small Intestine Meridian 18 Bladder Meridian 23 Kidney Meridian 25 Pericardium Meridian How the acupuncturist selects acupuncture points for pain relief in 3 steps. This acupuncture point is located in the foot, specifically in a depression distal to the junctions of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones and the foot’s dorsum. The Thermal Nature Of Foods In Chinese Medicine SP 10 – Chinese name: XUEHAI Location With knee flexed,... Read More. (OK!– Nerdy people! Xi-cleft point of the Spleen.As the Spleen is responsible for fluids like Blood and problems like Damp and Phlegm, Diji motivates the Spleen to work more effectively.. Spleen 9 (SPL 9) is the acupuncture point known to “drain damp”, usually through urination. On this page, you’ll find a complete visual guide to 20 acupuncture meridians and more than 360 acupuncture points. Now let’s go over some major acupuncture points on this channel. Wood and Cheng/Jing-well point. Hidden White 1 fen posterior and medial to the medial angle of the root of the great toe-nail. Give this point a massage of thanks for bringing you to this day. San Yin Jiao (SP6) is located on the inside of your leg, just above your ankle. Spleen Channel: SP6 – Located on the inner side of the leg above the ankle, this point treats hormonal disorders like irregular menstruation, digestion and immune disorders. The Ling Shu discusses how Sp 2 and Sp 3 are often used together to treat the Spleen. Choose from 500 different sets of spleen points acupuncture flashcards on Quizlet. PLAY. Mar 14, 2019 - You can use acupuncture point Spleen 9 to resolve the traditional Chinese Medicine pattern of "dampness" in the body. Location. Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal system, gynecological disorders, metatarsalgia. We choose acupuncture points according to how Traditional Chinese Medicine describes the interrelatedness of different parts of the body. Apply the Earth Element Acupressure Stick to Spleen 10 Acupressure Point SP6: Spleen 6 or San Yin Jiao San Yin Jiao (SP6) is commonly used for urological, pelvic disorders, insomnia, and menstrual cramps. Also because the heart is located slightly to the left of center of the body. Pressure Point Spleen 21 and its location are at one of the weakest place in the rib cage. More than four hundred acupuncture points have been described, with the majority located on one of the main meridians, pathways which run throughout the body and according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) transport life energy (qi, 氣).TCM recognizes twenty meridians, cutaneous and subcutaneous in nature, which have branching sub-meridians believed to affect surrounding tissues. SP 4 – Chinese name: GONGSUN. The spleen in Traditional Chinese Medicine terms is regarded as a very important organ and now recent research has proven that a specific acupuncture point, yinlingquan on the Spleen meridian on the leg, actually increases the blood supply to the spleen. Home > Education > Acupuncture Point Location > Spleen Meridian Index > Spleen 8: Spleen 8: Chinese Name: Diji (English translation: Earth Pivot). But this applies to both points. Location: On the medial aspect of the lower leg, 3 cun below SP 9, on the line connecting the tip of the medial malleolus and SP 9. STUDY. Learn more about the function, location, and specific use of the Spleen 05 (SP 5) acupuncture point. SP 12 – CHONGMEN Spleen Meridian Acupuncture Point. Indications. Use acupressure point Spleen 10 for any condition with stagnation of Qi and/or Blood in the Lower Jiao such as PMS, heavy menstrual bleeding, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, infertility issues, clots with menstruation, and so on.. Use gentle, diffused pressure of several fingertips to “spread” the tension of this part of the body and integrate it into the rest of the chest. Jul 17, 2019 - Explore Shahul Hameed's board "Spleen" on Pinterest. Main Acupuncture Points of the Spleen Channel. After finding Spleen 21, let your fingers feel the tense musculature holding your ribs and chest upright. Health Conditions, Indications, and Acupressure Point Combinations Using SP 10 Gynecological Disorders. The three points below strongly direct the Qi downward: Gallbladder 21 Large Intestine 4 Bladder 60 2. The symptoms above all point to a spleen imbalance. Acupuncture and Acupressure Impacts: Strengthens the Spleen, harmonizes and regulates the Spleen and Stomach, resolves dampness, clears Damp-Heat. SP 4 – GONGSUN Spleen Meridian Acupuncture Point. Learn more! There is wonderful nutritional therapy for deficient spleen qi, and as many Chinese doctors have known for centuries, food is the best medicine. It’s also a good long-term treatment point for diabetes. ⚡ To located: take four fingers and place them just above the inner ankle bone. On the medial aspect of the foot, in the depression distal and inferior to the base of the first metatarsal bone. This point is wonderful for digestion, immunity, fatigue, urinary difficulties, edema and all things gynecology, menstrual cramps, fertility, irregular periods. This is an important function, because the Spleen is the source of the formation of Qi and Blood. And, considering that Qi travels with Blood, and Blood is needed to nourish all systems […] It can be used to treat bladder & urinary tract infections, chronic yeast infections, hepatitis, jaundice, and leg edema. Acupressure at Spleen 6a versatile point we use frequently @circleca If you are pregnant, do NOT do acupressure at this point. Triple the action means this point is super powerful! The acupuncture points for this organ runs through the meridian coded in as LV, and one of its acupuncture points is the “Taichong” point or the LV3 acupuncture point. The spleen in Traditional Chinese Medicine terms is regarded as a very important organ and now recent research has proven that a specific acupuncture point, yinlingquan on the Spleen meridian on the leg, actually increases the blood supply to the spleen. 3. Great for malabsorption of nutrients, bloating, Stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and feeling sluggish. See more ideas about acupuncture points, acupressure, acupuncture. Learn more about the function, location, and specific use of the Spleen 20 (SP 20) acupuncture point. Spleen 2 Da Du “Great Capital”. visit us to learn how to integrate acupressure to other healing systems Late summer is the season of the Earth element; the spleen. The point is located on the other side of your fingers on the border of the tibia. On the medial surface of the leg, either 9 or 10 cun proximal to the medial malleolus (MM), posterior to the edge of the tibia. 6- Some of the commonly used Spleen Acupuncture Points SP 3 being a Yuan Source Point makes it the perfect acupuncture point to help the Transformation and Transportation function of the spleen in TCM.